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Fight Off 2010

PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 6:23 pm
by Rux
Here is the official thread of my new project, Fight Off 2010. I'm using Anim8or for the main graphics. Paint and other image editing programs to make the graphics in 2D. Oh and you can give me stuff for stages too! I just need the images, an explanation on how you want it to look, and the music files or and sound files occurring on the stage. So far, I only have my own characters because if I ever wanted to sell the game, I can't get a lawsuit. I probably won't sell it though. It will be for free.

If you want your character in the game, please skip down the thread and fill out the form. The character can be 3D, (you need to provide me all the images needed in which I'll list later) or you need to give me the anim8or project. Use the first option if you don't use anim8tor. You could also just give me 2D characters. If you add a character, you need to give me permission to edit it how I see fit. However, you get to be in the credits.

PROGRESS REPORT (* = Currently Working On)
3D Graphics - 99.9%
2D Graphics - 23%*
Sound - 0%
Music - 0%
Designing - 32%
Programming - 1%
Testing - 0%
Latest Beta Release: None yet...

FEATURES (feel free to add some ideas)
Single Player Mode
Free Mode (Kinda Like Multiplayer mode, but can only fight with other CPUs)
Training Mode (Locked at Start)
Earn Award Points to unlock new characters, stages, and Training Mode.
8 available characters so far, 4 unlocked at the start.
-Unlocked: Chicken, Hothead, Penguin, Wally
-Locked: Rooster, Stickman, Maia, Ghost
6 available stages so far, 3 unlocked at the start.
-Unlocked: Platform, Rocket, Castle Grounds
-Locked: Weather, 2D, Volcano
6 Items to Use to Help your way through each fight!
-ITEMS: Bomb, Bee, Radio, Fireball, Award Points Package, Level Up
Make your fighter stronger, so it can use more powerful arrow combo moves.
Hold Down Attack button(z), then hit arrow keys in certain orders to attack.
Jump Button to Jump(x)
Left, Right Arrows to move.
Up arrow, pick up items.
Down arrow, throw items.
Space Bar, Special Move.

Special Moves
There is a powerbar on the screen, that gradually fills itself, if enemies hit you hard enough, you lose some.
Once its full you now have the option to use your special powerful move.

There is also a health limit, once it reaches zero, you explode! You also die if you fall off the stage.

If you want to add a new character, you need to fill out the form below, and then pack all the files into a zip. REQUIRED FILES IN ZIP: Animation for standing left/right; Animation for walking left/right; Animation for Standard Move left/right; Animation for Combo Moves left/right; Animation for getting hurt left/right; Screen shot of character to be seen in the character select screen. (I'll size it down); Any sound effects of voice or moves (if you don't provide any, either I'll get some, or your character will be silent.): That is all.

NEW CHARACTER FORM (Copy and paste the form below, then PM me it with the download link to your files. Best to use media fire.)
Character Name:
Character Gender:
Approximate Pixel by Pixel Size on stage:
Zip Size:
Number of Images:
Number of Sounds:
Standard Attack:
Level 1 Combo Move:
Level 2 Combo Move:
Level 3 Combo Move:
Special Move:
Any other info?:

If you want to add a stage, here are the files you'll need to hand in.
FILES NEEDED: All the images of the main stage body (transparent bg); A background image used for the backdrop; Back Ground Music; If any events occur on stage, include sound effects for them.

Name of Stage:
Pixel Size:
Zip Size:
Number of Images:
Number of Sounds:
Any special stage events?:
Any other info?:

Fight Off 2010 ©JDM STUDIOS 2010
Thread Last Updated: 7/19/2010 - 10:57 AM, Pacific Time

Re: Fight Off 2010

PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:25 am
by Rux
Seriously? No feedback. Oh well, I didn't expect any, at least until I get working on the actual coding part.

Re: Fight Off 2010

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:20 am
by Scorpion50o1
how big for size of stage

Re: Fight Off 2010

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:23 am
by Rux
The resolution will be set to 800 X 600. So make it fit that.

Re: Fight Off 2010

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:23 am
by lllllsp1d3rlllll
im confused ur making a game or giving advice u want graphics for the game from other ppl i can make u some if u want and u can put my caractor in ur game is that what ur looking for im confused

Re: Fight Off 2010

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:24 am
by Scorpion50o1
i think thats what he wants he just needs help making some ppl and other stuff

Re: Fight Off 2010

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:26 am
by Rux
No, I'm making a fighting game. If you want a character or stage in it, then send me the graphics. The first post has the info you need to include if you wish to have a character/stage in my game. Right now, I sadly don't have much motivation. The 3D graphics are done, but I just can't figure out what I will need for 2D and how I will do things. (My 2 major problems, how to do AI for it and how many CPUs/Players.)

Re: Fight Off 2010

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:37 am
by lllllsp1d3rlllll
o ok thats what i thought ummmm i could come up with alot and as for ai i made a ai bot before ummm u leave loop holes in the defense of it like if u punch he ducks then waits a secont then kickes in the secont that hes waiting to kick u could punch him and have it were he falls down and takes a minute to get back up and as soon as he gets back up hes supose to punch at u but if u hit him before he has a chance to do that then u hit him and he might fall back down just leave time beetween his enemys for caractors for u game and background ummm i got some good ideas and could build some awsome stuff for that but i need to know what size maybe somthing like a outside field or somthing with bushes and grass that blows in the wind or on a cliff with clouds serounding and peaks in the distance of other moutains or whatever.

Re: Fight Off 2010

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:21 am
by DST
For this or any other thread, where you want feedback,


Re: Fight Off 2010

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:28 am
by Scorpion50o1
that was random

Re: Fight Off 2010

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:29 pm
by Rux
DST wrote:For this or any other thread, where you want feedback,


I would but as I said, this game hasn't gone far enough to have a reasonable screen shot. Right now I'm stuck on deciding how I should put everything together. I'll take a day soon to figure these things out. Once I get a working beta up, I'll post a screen shot. That might not be for a while though, but who knows. In the past I've been able to get one up really fast after saying "in a while".