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Images being cropped on screen, actors disappearing.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:49 am
by BloodRedDragon
Basically, I have notices a lot of bugs in the projects I am working on. I have a shooting actor where the bullets that it shoots keep disappearing and reappearing from time to time. I also notice that when a single actor is moving on screen, the animation gets cut off on some sides. I am beginning to feel a little worried as I have just bought a Dell Inspiron 1545 for my birthday and think it may be the laptops problem.

Re: Images being cropped on screen, actors disappearing.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:54 pm
by Game A Gogo
BloodRedDragon wrote:I also notice that when a single actor is moving on screen, the animation gets cut off on some sides.

I might be wrong, but this is due because GE doesn't use Page Flipping (Since the screen will refresh one half after the other almost) so the display is a bit messed up.
Page flipping has been used for ages to acquire smooth game play and ensuring that everything is displayed properly.
How it works? It's a buffer on your video card, instead of drawing directly to your screen, we will draw in the buffer of the video card then display it after it's all done, except without page flipping, everything is processing at the same time it's drawing, so actions/redraw gets mixed up. but again; I might be wrong

Re: Images being cropped on screen, actors disappearing.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:49 pm
by DST
It doesn't sound like screen tearing is the problem that he's having.

1st, if you updated a graphic, double check the animation to make sure it's chopping properly in the animation dialogue, especially if you changed the size or # of frames.

2nd, with the bullets, how fast were they going? Are the re-appearing bullets actual bullets or glitch bullets you never created? perhaps you can provide a demo of this;

Screen tearing is likely to make an animation (especially a background) appear to have a 'tear' through the middle of it, that tends to move up the screen. It affects some objects more than others due to their appearance.

In addition to page flipping, many type of software use vertical sync, double, or triple buffering to prevent tearing. I do not think game editor has any tearing protection at all, although it will only affect some systems, and not others. (note that it's merely a synchronization problem in display, so you can't get a screenshot of it.) Certain display configurations will not have this issue at all.

One solution: run the game at 45 fps instead of 60.