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PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 1:51 pm
by chrisevil
So there are basic tutorials for GE.
But I am looking for something that shows a complete tutorial on how to make a certain game.

Sort of like space impact (included tutorial) but a bit more complete? Preferably offline based as you cant really pause or 'go back' with the includede tutorial?

If anyone knows of a good resource?

Re: Tutorials

PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 2:01 pm
by Thanx
Search and look around in the game demos section of the forum, because there you'll only find games which were uploaded with sources. You can play a game, and look at its sources too. It may takes some time finding the right thing, but it'd be worth it!

Re: Tutorials

PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:02 am
by chrisevil
And is it just me or in the bouncing ball tutorial the balls fall right through the wall?

Also I just noticed the wall is a png image??

So GE detects transparency as empty space? A manual should be made! Specially with it being open source =D

Re: Tutorials

PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:10 pm
by Thanx
As far as I know, yes, GE detects transparency and applies it, also when talking about the collisions, as well as it will make the top-left pixel's color in the image a transparency color, and any other pixels with the same color also become transparent. I think these are all in the documentations... maybe I'm wrong, but the suggestion that GE should be re-documented seems perfectly right, since it's been... how many years??? I might help in re-documenting (or at least check it for grammatical and spelling mistakes... :))
Though it also might only be wise once the new GE release is issued (I'm not thinking about the IPhone, Mac one, but the so called 2.0.0 that the development tickets mention when talking about some of the planned features... I think this might be the place for me to first mention to all of you, that I'm going to take part in GE development once this next game of mine will be finished...

About the collisions: yes, GE happens to simply miss some collisions at times... At least, I don't think the demo lacks the physical response actions... :P
There are rumors that if you change the mass of the objects, it happens to effect the way the collision is detected - in the positive way.

Re: Tutorials

PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:12 am
by chrisevil
Is there any option to NOT use the first pixel as a transparent? As I am using 32bit PNGs? That could be whats giving it that weird thing.. Gonna try =D...

Re: Tutorials

PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:21 pm
by Hblade
Yes there is but you would have to use something like "GIMP". In gimp, open your image then go to the layers window, right click the frame, then click on "Add Alpha Channel" then save it, poof nothing gets erased in GE :)