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Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:37 pm
by happyjustbecause
Hmm... Checking out this post, cool that you guys are trying to get a group project going. I really think that I would be more active on the forums if I saw some awesome steampunk run and gun game in the making :D. But yeah, I think that just making some cool, slick game would be great for gE.

Quoting Skydereign:
The cleaner and more uniform the graphics, the more interested people will be.

I agree, even just a slick LOOKING game would help a lot, it wouldn't even have to play that great :), just LOOK like it has some character. That's kind of a dumb statement about a game creating program, but graphics are a huge part to how professional or interesting a game seems (to me).

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:01 pm
by sonicforvergame
Making a run and gun game wouldn't be so bad like this :

Player--->run----->find gun------->only can carry one gun-------->enemies on the road with path style walking----->player kill about 10 enemies (level 1)
and then if he finish the objectif can go to next stage .

I think that i can make a demo
and i have some good sprites for the game

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:44 pm
by AliceXIII
it wouldn't even have to play that great

good graphics is essential to the game but i would make sure it plays good since i would be on the programming side of this :P

anyways my idea i've been cooking up is a stealth type of game where you could either sneak around killing things to complete a level or just run in guns blazing and still be able to complete the level it would use a stat tree so you could build a tank to just run levels or you could build an assassin to sneak around with!

i'll elaborate more later i've got to go to work!

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:06 pm
by knucklecrunchgames
game editor will not die if they improve with more exports like html and swf adobe file or java file

plus i don't really think game editor is really dying people aren't really sharing ideas because another might steal it. if you notice in i tunes store loads of games are made with game editor :|

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:34 pm
by MrJolteon
We're talking about the forums, which has started gaining more activity.

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 9:12 am
by knucklecrunchgames
MrJolteon wrote:We're talking about the forums, which has started gaining more activity.


Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 4:11 pm
by Bee-Ant
Mosi mosi... did I miss something? :D

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 7:12 pm
by MrJolteon
Bee-Ant wrote:Mosi mosi... did I miss something? :D

Not really.

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 7:40 pm
by AliceXIII
ok here's my full idea i think it would be cool to do a side scroller shooter maybe with some light platforming segments, it would have a stealth type of feel to it you can hide from enemies or just run and blast them depending on how you wanted to take things and how your stats are allocated you could build an all assassin character or a tank to run and gun with or an in between character that uses light sneaking with good weapon damage and possibly have a perk tree kinda like fallout 3 where you can up explosive damage or close range weapon damage and long range accuracy /damage i feel it would add another dimension to the game to draw people in since they could build custom characters off what skills they want and you could possibly to weapon upgrades with skill loadout's to!

like for example i have a loadout with a pistol, shotgun, grenades, a grenadier perk, and a berzerk perk.

grenadier perk could make bigger explosions and up the damage of grenades depending on it's level!

berzerk could allow you to take alot of damage and allow you to deal alot of damage for a short while!

of course you would separate the perks into passive and casting perks like grenadier could be passive while berzerk would have to be casted to work!

tell me what yall think and add on to it if you feel like it this is just a rough draft right now!

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 8:02 pm
by MrJolteon
Sounds good.

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 10:10 pm
by master0500
i like the sound of this :D

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 10:28 pm
by AliceXIII
thank you!

anyone else got ideas? :)

also as it stands who is committed to seeing this project through?
committed users so far:

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:13 am
by master0500
i'd like to do some art for it :D

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:27 am
by Jagmaster
I like the run&gun steampunk direction this is going. I also like the ideas of stealth, and upgradeable stats too.

happyjustbecause wrote:I agree, even just a slick LOOKING game would help a lot, it wouldn't even have to play that great :), just LOOK like it has some character. That's kind of a dumb statement about a game creating program, but graphics are a huge part to how professional or interesting a game seems (to me).

You make an interesting statement which is true to a certain point, though I do feel the game should play as good as it looks. I've played some games that had good eye candy and looked really good on the package, but really sucked in the actual gameplay. It made me really mad [insert rageface] when that would happen, and games shouldn't make people mad (in that kind of way).
Being a Star Wars nerd, I got suckered into a few Star Wars games that were plain awful. xD

But really, the graphics should be as good as possible.

AliceXIII wrote:anyone else got ideas? :)

Still... Crunching... Brain...

I find myself awkwardly omitting concepts from my current projects, while trying not to mentally melt everything together :lol:

Once I come up with something unique I'll spill it right away.

AliceXIII wrote:also as it stands who is committed to seeing this project through?

Consider me semi-committed. I really don't know what my schedule will be like later on, but I really want to help.

Found this article very insightful. Good information on collaborations. People new to group projects (like me) should definitely read it. srsly. ... ions-work/

This one is similar (but has fun pictures).

MrJolten wrote:█████████▓▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
Good luck trying to figure out how this bar works.

I have no idea.

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:22 am
by master0500
Good luck trying to figure out how this bar works.

this represents the progression of a game or some sort of project you are working on
black is what you have completed and grey is what you are working on

~wild guess