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Game Editor on linux - Getting Started video tutorial

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:47 pm
by Hblade

Alrighty guys, here's a video :D

It's really easy actually to open up Game Editor on linux. First, navigate to the location Game Editor is help, mine is on the desktop, so therefore, open up the Game Editor folder, then right click on gameEditorLinux and click Properties, then click on the permissions tab. Now you should see a menu like this:

Make sure you check the box that says "Allow executing file as program"

That should do it :D

Re: Game Editor on linux - Getting Started video tutorial

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:44 pm
by Lacotemale
Yeah except at the moment to get sound working you have to use the Windows version in Wine! :D Works just as perfectly as the Linux version with the bonus of being able to use sounds in games.

Re: Game Editor on linux - Getting Started video tutorial

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:23 pm
by Hblade
If your going to use GE with WINE, then I'd reccomend using these settings, it uses OpenGL instead of GDI drawing for WINE, thus making it 10,billion times faster.

Open up terminal, then type "regedit" Like so:

Now, navigate to this regestry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER

Then click on SOFTWARE

Then click on WINE

Then if you don't see "Direct3D", then make it. After making it, make all of these strings by right clicking in the empty space and clicking new - string value. Name them CASE SENSITIVE like I have in this screenshot. Where it says Video Memory Size, make that say how much MB your graphics card has of Vram. Don't include MB though :3

To modify a value, right click the string you want to mod, and click "Modify"

After your done here, WINE will be like a zillion times faster :3

Re: Game Editor on linux - Getting Started video tutorial

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:53 pm
by Lacotemale
I don't have a working graphics card yet... just a problem with the Nvidia driver on Ubuntu 10.10 I think. It worked fine until I upgraded to the 10.10 release!

Im affected by this bug... which affects 44 people including myself and probably lots more who haven't joined the bug page. :( ... bug/660596

Re: Game Editor on linux - Getting Started video tutorial

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:29 pm
by Hblade
Oh that? xD

Don't worry about that bug man :D I can try and help :)

It's important you write this down:

First, download the nvidia display driver from Then, place the .run file on the desktop. Rename it to "" Now open Terminal, type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" you will see text, press CTRL + ALT + F1 I think it is, and you will be in another terminal thingy, in there, log in when it asks for your login. Example:

"Login: (Your username here)
Password: your password here "

Afterwords, you can now log in as root by typing "sudo bash" and entering the root password (Same as username most of the time), after that type
"cd Desktop"
It will then be at the desktop, where you will type the following code in:


Boom your now installing your latest Nvidia Drivers :)

After words, and when everything is done, type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" and you will be back onto the desktop with new drivers :)

Oh, and important note:
You will be asked something where it says the drivers will be activated next time you start Xserver or something like that, make sure you say yes :3

Re: Game Editor on linux - Getting Started video tutorial

PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:14 pm
by Lacotemale
Im pretty sure I tried to get the Nvidia driver manually installed but it failed for me. No harm in trying again I guess! :D

Re: Game Editor on linux - Getting Started video tutorial

PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:53 pm
by Hblade
lol :)

Re: Game Editor on linux - Getting Started video tutorial

PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:13 pm
by Lacotemale
I tried it again today... the driver installs fine but it just doesn't communicate or link with my card for some reason. Doesn't matter though... I will wait for the next Ubuntu release. I have alot of patience if you are wondering! :)

Re: Game Editor on linux - Getting Started video tutorial

PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:25 pm
by Hblade
lol k :P

Re: Game Editor on linux - Getting Started video tutorial

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:08 pm
by sunnybubblegum
This is a bit of a geeky question related to opening Game Editor in Linux. Forgive me if it's been addressed elsewhere on the forum.

I've been trying to create a link to Game Editor in my main menu in Ubuntu 10.10. For some reason, doing so through System > Preferences > Main Menu won't successfully open the program. All that happens is the GE window flashes on-screen for a moment, then disappears. The only way I can open the program is by navigating to its location in the finder and double-clicking on it. It's annoying needing to have an extra window open all the time when working in GE.

Does anybody have any experience with this?

Re: Game Editor on linux - Getting Started video tutorial

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:57 pm
by Hblade
Same here. I don't know how to fix this

Re: Game Editor on linux - Getting Started video tutorial

PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:41 am
by TheN0L0
I have a question, how exactly do I make the AI move, Thanks.

Re: Game Editor on linux - Getting Started video tutorial

PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:43 am
by NightOfHorror
it depends on the game and this is a linux game, make your own topic about this.

Re: Game Editor on linux - Getting Started video tutorial

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 7:26 pm
by digiot
Just noticed, here is no solution around, to achieve a kind of shortcut for starting
GE on Linux :
Put this here into your texteditor, save it to wherever you want to start it from :

Code: Select all
  # GE launcher
  cd /path/to/GE's/dir && ./gameEditorLinux

Make it executable, as you did with the GE itself, like explained above, or with this
simple line inside your terminal :

Code: Select all
chmode +x /path/to/launcher/launcher_name

Now look, where you can put in any scripts/launcher in your menu-system, there you can
add this launcher.
I'm using Openbox, where it's common, to fill up the menus with custom scripts, but under
any WM/DE, there should be a solution, maybe at least a keyboard shortcut.

If you want to have GEs name displayed in the titlebar, you can take this expanded launcher
script, but it refuses, to work with the first instance of GE, but works like expected with any further instance of GE. I have to fix that...

@ unblockedgames : The GE forums and the documentation can give you some insight into mostly GameEditor related stuff. Just look around here !
Here in this thread you are in a Linux special, maybe you find some forums here,
which are better fitting your needs.
And a welcome for you, too !

Cheers !