Oh. Yeah.
The main function is in global code.
It has three things that you have to define when you use it.
First is how many platforms it will create, second one is maxim of how far can platforms
be from other one. The last one is maxim y distance between platforms.
The function checks if there is not as many platforms as defined when function is called
and creates new one if needed. The new platforms x and y values are randomized by previous
ones coordinates. That is what I needed random and getClone functions for.
It is pretty much the most important part.
Also, when platform is created it's coordinates are rounded for making it look better.
In create actor event there is also much other code, that code checks the position of
new platform and compares it to previous one. If the platforms are at same coordinates
or in somehow otherwise stupid positions, the code moves them.
That's it pretty much. Did that help you?