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Activation Events Tips

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 11:17 pm
by makslane
The Activation Lines relay works not just a clue.

Try this:
- Create two actors (actor1, actor2)
- Right click on actor1, New Activation Event
- Select Mouse Button Down event
- Select the button and click on choose actor button
- Click on actor 2 and hit ESC
- Stop the mouse over line to see the tip

When you click on actor1 a activation event will be sent to actor2
Now, you need catch this event on actor2:
- Go to actor contron on actor2
- Add Activation Event
- From actor2
- Destroy Actor(actor1)

Go to game mode and click on actor1: the actor2 will be destroyed.

Activation Event is a powerfull tool. If you choose catch events when "All actors" have sent, you can create a situation that a door only opens when player get all keys!

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 12:41 am
by Diana Kennedy
Activation events are among my favorite tools. They offer a bunch of possibilities. 8)

PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:40 pm
by DilloDude
I have just encountered a problem: I have an actor that receives an activation event, but I want it only to respond if the actor that sent the event was a 'BoxSwitch'. I can set the event from 'BoxSwitch', but then it sets it so it only receives events from 'BoxSwitch.0', when I want it to receive them from any 'BoxSwitch'. How can I fix this?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:05 am
by Game A Gogo
Mak isnt there a tutorial of that

PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:20 am
by makslane
DilloDude wrote:I have just encountered a problem: I have an actor that receives an activation event, but I want it only to respond if the actor that sent the event was a 'BoxSwitch'. I can set the event from 'BoxSwitch', but then it sets it so it only receives events from 'BoxSwitch.0', when I want it to receive them from any 'BoxSwitch'. How can I fix this?

If the actor is connected only to BoxSwitch actors you can use the option 'Any Actor' to fire the action.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:10 am
by DilloDude
The problem is I have another actor that sometimes sends activation events. But in this case, the actor recieving doesn't need them, and has its own that it get's received with. I have it so there is a type of door, that is activated by a switch. But if I look at the door, the text says it slides into the ground when a switch is activated. The way my text works, it sends an activation event to the actor that was doing the talking, which in some cases is useful. But in this case, it makes the door open, when you don't want it to.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 4:38 am
by DilloDude
I have solved the problem, by setting an unused actor variable on the actor receiving the event when the switch sends the event. So the object checks if the variable is 1, does the script and then sets the variable to 0.