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A Useful Improvement!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:11 pm
by desertgamer
Game editor is a useful tool. It is a simple tool. It is a great tool.

It would be a better tool with these improvements. Of course, these improvements shouldn't give unnecessary complications. It should increase are gaming experience and give us more power over them! Here are some suggestions. They are simple and lived up to.


There could be more flexibility in the editor itself. The games are great! Yet what creates them could be improved! I suggest that an 'Add' menu come to the editor. 'Add Actor' and 'Add Activation Region would fall into that menu, along with something like a Location Point. It simply speeds up progress. It allows users to move their editor view relative to the location point. It can be useful in very large games.

This is where the 'View' menu comes in. It can display the Game Properties and Preferences dialogue, as well as the added View Activation Regions or View Activation Events commands. And this menu would also bring up the ability to center the editor on the location points.

The third major improvement would be actor interface. There would be two modes of selection. One would be the traditional select mode -- single select, which gives the most power out of individual actors. It can edit all of the selected actor's attributes. The new tool would be multi-select. It allows the selection of multiple actors for best placement. It allows the general modifications of actors -- copying, pasting, and deleting, all on a single scale!

I also suggest improvements in the actor control. It is great as it is -- it could be better in a few minor ways. When selecting an actor from the actor selection menu, you could alternatively type in the actor's name -- and then the actor control is updated to the actor's attributes that has been typed. It would save much time in finding the actors in large games! I would suggest this in dialogues too. It would help...

Again, Game Editor is a great tool. There are small opportunities of game design elsewhere. When Game Editor is more, it is guaranteed to become more popular!

-- Replies are welcome! --

Re: A Useful Improvement!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:17 pm
by makslane
There are a project for a complete new interface.
Thank you for your suggestions!

Re: A Useful Improvement!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:43 pm
by segwego12
Well anyways, i'll stick to what i have. (Thanks alot for putting a post ontop of mine makslane.)

Re: A Useful Improvement!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:00 pm
by Thanx
Nice ideas desertgamer!
Makslane: I've realized you've already put loads of effort into the new interface, base on how long it is taking to make it, this will be the gratest update in the history of the program! Are you towards the end of the process?
Note: THIS IS NOT TRYING TO MAKE YOU HURRY! Hope you understand that if you have fans for something like this, they'll always be curious when the updates come...

Re: A Useful Improvement!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:26 am
by makslane
The development is very slow now :-(
Currently, a new way to create actions is in development.

Re: A Useful Improvement!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:40 am
by segwego12
I'd rather eat a meatball than choose to get this when it gets out.

Re: A Useful Improvement!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:57 pm
by Thanx
tastes, feels, and wants...

Re: A Useful Improvement!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:26 pm
by DarkParadox
i would definetly wait to get a GE with this interface when i get 30 points :D

Re: A Useful Improvement!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:11 am
by 247wkman
being able to multi select is definatly a must! i cloned a bunch of actors to make a radar system (the large scale actor tiles would take a collision from an enemy say, and then the reaction would be for the scaled down representive tile in the radar screen to change animation to show a 'blip') i make an array of these things numbering 800+ and then decide i feel safer if i locked them down- but i have to do it one at a time!

Re: A Useful Improvement!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:28 pm
by BloodRedDragon
I would like to see this in a future version. I particularly like the idea of 'location points'.