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Funding a Mac for Makslane! GE for Mac OS X?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:20 pm
by BeyondtheTech
After having much frustration and dissatisfaction with Microsoft Windows Vista, I decided that it was the end of the line for me with Microsoft products. On February 28, 2007, I decided to take a leap of faith into a new computing platform totally unbeknownst to me and purchased an Apple MacBook. Within hours of that evening, I was completely hooked onto Apple and the Mac OS X experience. Aside from the fact that the the OS is stable, powerful, and customizable, it immediately spawned my inventory of two more Macs, an Apple TV, a couple of iPods, and even the latest iPhone. The transition was smooth, and within 6 months, I have but just a seldom-used virtual machine of Windows XP for performing simple tasks.

While Game Editor Pro performs beautifully on Windows XP running in the Mac OS X version of VMware and Parallels, as well as natively via Boot Camp, I wish that Game Editor Pro could actually compile binaries that can run natively on Mac OS X. Even if it's just running for Intel-based Macs, it would be sufficient.

Given the cost of the cheapest Mac computer, the Mac Mini, sporting an Intel 1.83GHz Core 2 Duo processor at $600 (even less if refurbished or the older model with the Core Duo, or both), I am hoping that contributing to a fund to get Makslane a full-fledged Mac would definitely help in him expanding the development of Game Editor to the Mac platform. This move would help current PC game developers to easily push their products into a demanding market (Mac games are too far and few even now) and provide significant growth in sales for Game Editor by avid Mac users as well who also want to fill the void. Since the current configuration of Apple computers are nearly identical to Windows-based PCs using the already popular Intel CPUs and similar graphic cards, and the fact that OS X has a Unix core that Linux stems from, I believe there aren't too many significant hurdles that Makslane must pass in order to create a Game Editor Pro environment as well as compiled binaries of games that will run natively on the Mac.

Getting back to the funding of a Mac for Makslane, if the major players behind this idea can contribute any portion towards this cause, it may actually be only the major hurdle that Makslane has to face. Anyone up for it?

Re: Funding a Mac for Makslane! GE for Mac OS X?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:22 pm
by arcreamer
um... who ARE you? :?

Re: Funding a Mac for Makslane! GE for Mac OS X?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:58 pm
by makslane
Good to hear you again!

I think my big problem today is time to develop all features that I have planned to Game Editor.

Re: Funding a Mac for Makslane! GE for Mac OS X?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:24 am
by BeyondtheTech
Hey, Makslane. It's good to be back. I'll be programming on GE back on my virtualized Windows XP setup, so toss the latest you got at me and I'll try it out.

Oh, and I was the GE programmer for a game called Bubble Buster Advanced that got over 6,000 downloads in one month on Take a look: ... p?p=350388

Download link: ... iateid=326

I would like to see GE evolve to all that you promised (or at least anticipated), and it's been a while, so I don't even know what I missed, but I do hope you can find a way to get GE on the Mac! I was practically going to eBay some stuff and fund the whole thing myself, but I do have three kids and only one income, so the idea of buying a whole computer for someone else is harder than you can imagine. I at least dreamed that it would get me lifetime updates of GE. :)

Re: Funding a Mac for Makslane! GE for Mac OS X?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:02 am
by Game A Gogo
sorry xD
welcome back to the forums!
I heard that you switched to MAC by randomly searching your name on google and then I tough that all hope where lost for you to come back, but your here =3
anyway, I got to go now...
its good to hear about you again!

Re: Funding a Mac for Makslane! GE for Mac OS X?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 3:07 am
by Fuzzy
Makslane, do you want a mac?

I'm willing to chip in. Not that I use mac, but i am all for GE, no matter what. I think it should be included with all OS install disks!