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I'm Thinking Of A Number....

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:16 am
by Pete Holland Jr.
Hey, everybody!

Another couple of questions, and I should be occupied enough for a while.... ;-)

So my plan is to have a level timer, and once the level is complete, add whatever is left on the timer to the score.

1) So I take it I create to text actors, put in a starting numeric value in each, and update them accordingly. I presume I would use a script that says, "score.textNumber = score.textNumber + timer.textNumber;" to make this happen, right?

2) The timer moves independently. So I create a timer, script a command to decrement the timer.textNumber, right?

3) How do I make the game read the timer so that, once it hits zero, my player character croaks?

4) Here's the biggie: how do I generate random numbers with Game Editor?

Dobre utka,
Pete Holland Jr.

I'm a peeker, I'm a poker, I'm a k'mallocer, I do my coding on a Sun....

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 7:11 am
by Fuzzy
The Rand() function in the script editor will help you with random numbers.