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PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:52 am
by ingsan
Trajecto, i'm preparing a website exclusively for GE's tutorials cause i'm fed up with people saying that there is not enough tutorials on this forum :roll: and that no one helps no one. u have demonstrated that that was not true. and i'm congratulate u for ur tutorials.I'm finishing my first tut and was wondering if i could put yours on the sit too...if u agree of course...
i hope this idea pleases everyone on this forum.
i'm also open to all propositions or ideas.
See ya. :wink:

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:03 pm
by Just4Fun
Please disregard my feedback if it isn't desired. I applaud your efforts and your support of the tutorials, but I am wondering if it would be in the best interests of GE and MaKslane to spend the time that you would take to develop a web site in cleaning up and polishing some of Trajecto's and others tutorials to send to MaKslane for posting on this site? I have been working on something like that myself. The reason that I say this is that GE has a little over 100 registered people in this forum. My guess is that many of those are no longer active members. With so few, it would seem like the greatest support that we could give to Makeslane, would be to provide more information for users who visit here.
Once GE builds its user base to over 1000, that might be a good time for another support site. Makslane is very supportive. If each one of the knowledgeable active users here sent him a good, finished tutorial, I imagine that he would create a separate area for them. I know that,when I asked ,a while ago, for an "off topic" area, he created it right away. Unfortunately, it became an over-night sensation for posting ilk by guest sleaze balls so it had to go away. This is just my 2 cents worth.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 9:09 pm
by ingsan
Just4fun:... :cry:
the reason that i'm making this is that i really believe in what GE can do and WILL do. it's not just a fantasy of mine to go and spend time working on such a site. I'm very proud of what trajecto did. if there was no one like him or jazz-e-bob or any other person sharing their knowlegue, then nothing would progress.

and also i'm not making a website for maxeslane. i'm just making that for anyone who wants to "learn" and anyone who wants to "share" knowlegue. i hope that that could help anyone interested in developing and progressing with GE. as i said, i really believe in it, even if it's only a 1.1 version.

i hope that it would help u day. :roll:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 4:05 am
by trajecto
Hi ingsan,
You are free to use my tutorials no problem, that is why I post them here for everyone to use and learn. Feel free to do what you want with them. Maybe Makslane could add a link in the links section for you, that would be the easiest :D

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 11:37 am
by ingsan
THank u trajecto.and i really hope that that would help the :wink: forum.