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Skull Man lvl 1 Easy Mode

PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:00 pm
by Toasterman
At long last, here's the easy version of the level.

The differences:
-2X as much health
-enemies weaker (less HP and shoot less)
-1st boss easier -less HP, shoots less bullets, slower
-turrets weaker + shoot less
-several spikes in hard places removed

We're working on making the difficulty a bit more balanced in the next level.

Re: Skull Man lvl 1 Easy Mode

PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:46 pm
by Lacotemale
Hmm... its definitely alot better!! 8)

I beat the first boss now and got much further in the game. The second boss seems a bit hard to beat though... others should try it and post if they have beaten the second boss. Then we can get a better idea if that boss is too hard or not! :)

EDIT: Actually I beat him now! :D

Now to go playing the original difficulty again and try to beat that! :)

Re: Skull Man lvl 1 Easy Mode

PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:53 pm
by Kodo
This version is much more enjoyable and I got much further. It is still a challenge though, which is good :) Nice job!

Re: Skull Man lvl 1 Easy Mode

PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:58 pm
by Lacotemale
I have to say the "easy" version is much better overall! :)

I deleted the normal version out of getting frustrated with it! :D

Actually I think I noticed a bug... the small health pickups did not seem to work. :shock:

Re: Skull Man lvl 1 Easy Mode

PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:04 pm
by Camper1995
Great! Much better than previous one. By the way, you should make that the player can make a double jump :D

Re: Skull Man lvl 1 Easy Mode

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:36 am
by Toasterman
All: Thanks for giving it another shot! :)
Lactomale: Yay, somebody beat it! didn't have to delete the original though...(sniff :( )
Kodo: thanks! :D
Camper: The original games didn't have a double jump... but maybe rocket boots etc could be incorperated to do something like that :D

I don't know why the health pickups don't always work- I had that problem but fixed it (in theory)
I posted about that when the animindex==12 but the health pickup only had 3 or 4 animations!
I thought I fixed the problem, guess it resurfaced or something :?

News on next game (or set of games)- since there is a plot in the next one, hope to release three/four levels at once
one in the ocean- 40% done
one in the sky- 2% done
a fire themed one- 0% done
and maybe a "cap" level that wraps up this part of the plot
hope to have several "sets" of three, maybe 3 or 4, in chapters

Also, more weapons/abilites:
utility: rocket boots? more health/subtanks? more powerful attacks? shields?
weapons: either "chips" like in the zero series that just give a fire/ice/electricity base to attack or
actual weapons like in classic + X series- torpedo, missile, minigun, cannon... etc, etc

Re: Skull Man lvl 1 Easy Mode

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:56 pm
by Hblade
Well, to this I say, AMAZING JOB!! :D