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Totter's artwork examples if anyone wants to check them out

PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:08 pm
by Totter
Hey, I just joined yesterday and am an artist/architect who designs games in his spare time. I have posted an intro in the general forum and met several of you already, but thought I'd post some artwork here as well to give everyone examples in case you want to work together or give me some advice.

I have two projects kind of in limbo right now from a programming standpoint: a shooter/platformer game (similar to Megaman) and an RPG

Okay so unfortunately my DA page is being funny and I can't get the url for the images by themselves so I'll just give you links:

RPG main character, Carc:

RPG party member, Lok:

RPG party member, Mako:

Carc concept:

Carc, Lok, and Mako concept (don't worry there are other characters):

X3n0s the Computer Virus concept art (for the shooter/platformer):

X3n0s weapon modes:

X3n0s game character renders:

Those are my favs so I hope those are good examples for you guys.

Re: Totter's artwork examples if anyone wants to check them out

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:32 am
by tflame
nice list

Re: Totter's artwork examples if anyone wants to check them out

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:25 pm
by BlarghNRawr