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Making your colision 2 ⅓ D

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:00 pm
by Hblade
You can make your colision effects 2 ⅓ D like this

What is 2 ⅓ D?
2 ⅓ D is where your cahracter doesn't colide with the ground at the very first pixel
Heres an example of what I mean. You can turn this:

into this:

Here's how:
First, make your level (You can use 1 large image if you want to by using a tile editor called TileStudio), then make your INVISGROUND tiles that follow along with your level. This will act as the real ground, while your level is just a background so to say.
INVISLAND.png (580 Bytes) Viewed 621 times

After you've traced your level, do this with the INVISLAND

Here's an example of how it would look inside of the editor :D

Re: Making your colision 2 ⅓ D

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:17 pm
by MrJolteon

Re: Making your colision 2 ⅓ D

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:04 pm
by Hblade
Thanks :D

Re: Making your colision 2 ⅓ D

PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:50 pm
by thunderios
I'm busy with something similar at the moment. In my game you can walk up and down the platform. It's a little bit more complicated because of that. I used a Z-variable and when my character hit the platform it calculates where it should land.
Controls: WASD + Spacebar.