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Game developing / Mac App Store sandboxing regulations

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:03 pm
by gameeddy
Hi, I found Game Editor on the Mac App Store and am very interested!
- Why hasn't it been updated since April 2011?
- Why are there only screenshots of a Windows version shown?
- After creating an app using Game Editor Mac, would this be accepted for selling via Mac App Store? (It would have to follow the Mac App Store sandboxing regulations ( or otherwise be rejected.
Many thanks!

Re: Game developing / Mac App Store sandboxing regulations

PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:54 pm
by MrJolteon
gameeddy wrote:Hi, I found Game Editor on the Mac App Store and am very interested!

Welcome to the forums! It's always great getting new members.
- Why hasn't it been updated since April 2011?
- Why are there only screenshots of a Windows version shown?

1: GE doesn't update very often. 1.3.9 was around for years. However, 1.5 is right around the corner.
2: The Mac version has only been around since the release of 1.4 (The current version)

Re: Game developing / Mac App Store sandboxing regulations

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:07 pm
by akr

Sandboxing is currently being tested with ge15. So far no problems as expected. GE doesnt do any illegal things except opening a project outside a bundle.
In future it looks like we have to have the working directory and examples within the bundle directory. That shouldnt be a big deal.

The screenshots shown are from windows. Right. Sorry. We didnt do the same screenshots twice mac. I didnt notice that. But its exactly the same what u get.
Dont worry. Thanks for letting us know.


Re: Game developing / Mac App Store sandboxing regulations

PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:20 pm
by gameeddy
Thanks for your answers!

Does this mean, when version 1.5 for Mac will be released, the sandboxing problems will be resolved?
If yes, how long would you estimate could it take till then?

Regarding the Mac App Store screenshots you should really correct this. Maybe many potential customers could be irritated and refrain from buying.

Many thanks again.

Re: Game developing / Mac App Store sandboxing regulations

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:07 am
by akr
gameeddy wrote:Thanks for your answers!

Does this mean, when version 1.5 for Mac will be released, the sandboxing problems will be resolved?
If yes, how long would you estimate could it take till then?

Regarding the Mac App Store screenshots you should really correct this. Maybe many potential customers could be irritated and refrain from buying.

Many thanks again.

Yes. Sandboxing will be supported. As said. Its not a big deal for GE. GE needs to be portable on several platforms. Thus we dont do any tricky things
on a specific platform. This is what sandboxing wants to get control of.

Regarding the release we still need testers. Lemme know if u are interrested. Will provide u the most current build.

Re: Game developing / Mac App Store sandboxing regulations

PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:44 pm
by akr
For anyone who is interrested. We will publish gemac soon. gemac is a xcode project which enables you to publish your games for mac.

All technologies as of today are supported:


Check regurlary if you are interrested!

Re: Game developing / Mac App Store sandboxing regulations

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:58 pm
by dragonforce-europe
I was also looking at the mac app store today and just to find Game Editor in there for 89,99 euros. I am really looking into creating games for the mac app store and using game editor for it.

I see you need testers for it, i would be happy to apply for it. And cannot wait for version 1.5 to get released!

Re: Game developing / Mac App Store sandboxing regulations

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:09 am
by skydereign
Just in case it wasn't clear gE can be downloaded for free. What you actually pay for from the app store is the express license for a year. The beta is also available for free, though relatively slow moving recently. If you want to test it out, you'll need to create an account on the site. From there the beta is in the downloads section.

Re: Game developing / Mac App Store sandboxing regulations

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:32 am
by dragonforce-europe
hmm, so the express license is only valid for one year and that allows you to sell your game with a splash screen. And without this license, i am only able to create open source games?

If a license of 1.500 euros per year is a must just to create a game without splash screen, that is a pretty high price to pay.

Is above information correct or am i totally wrong?

Re: Game developing / Mac App Store sandboxing regulations

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:42 am
by skydereign
For the 1.4 licensing, yes that is true. We were talking about adjusting it to more realistic pricing, and/or changing the license model for the 1.5 release. But, that is still up in the air.

Re: Game developing / Mac App Store sandboxing regulations

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:13 am
by dragonforce-europe
Hmmm... And since it takes a long time before 1.5 gets finished, it gives me time to learn the engine.

I just hope the pricing would be very decent, as i am looking forward using game-editor, but not at a $1.500 price tag. Then the business model of construct 2 is even more awesome. When one earns over $5.000, a business license is required to buy, which costs around 259 pounds. Ofcourse if you earn $5.000, you can spend the 259 pounds they ask.