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Mac exports not working on MacBook Pro

PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:14 pm
by TomUNSW
Hello, thanks for your software. I am having trouble on an OSX machine using version 1.4.

Making a small test file - one actor on a blank background.
Game Editor works, and Game Mode works as expected.
When I export to a Windows .exe that works OK on a Vista machine.
Export to OSX app, when made into an executable opens a blank window and freezes.
This blank window is always the full width of the screen, not the requested game window size.
It has to be force quit, ESC doesn't work. There's no crash report.

The machine is an Intel Core 2 Duo, running 10.5 (Leopard).

Thanks for any advice you may have.

Re: Mac exports not working on MacBook Pro

PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 8:29 pm
by akr
Hmm, this should work and is tested. Did u try another machine? If problem persists lemme know.


Re: Mac exports not working on MacBook Pro

PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:17 pm
by zxcvbnm
akr wrote:Hmm, this should work and is tested. Did u try another machine? If problem persists lemme know.


Please note alot of people dont own different computers . In the future please note which PC, MAC, or linux computers have errors . Thank you Akr.

Re: Mac exports not working on MacBook Pro

PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 3:23 am
by TomUNSW
Thanks for your feedback.

I tried the export on a Mac Mini, Intel Core Duo with Intel graphics card. This machine is running Snow Leopard.
The symptoms were the same, a window opens that fills the width of the screen, and then freezes.

On that machine I haven't fully uninstalled Final Cut Suite, and so whenever any task tries to use QuickTime libraries, it complains about some missing components. This doesn't make a difference here, but I noticed that Game Editor must open QuickTime before the freeze, as the complaint about the components shows up. So the freeze occurs after the library is opened, but before the software is able to resize the window.

I would very much like to use Game Editor next year in teaching a beginners class in game design, and we use Mac, so I will try to give you as much information as I can. Is there is a standard game that I should download and try compile in testing this problem?


Re: Mac exports not working on MacBook Pro

PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:13 am
by zxcvbnm
Ok now that you specifed the problem lets see what we can do.

1) What components is the quicktime player need?

I know sometimes lets say it says cannot load wmv. avi. or mpeg 4 . In that case you have to download it. Here is a apple page with various components . Hopefully what you need is here. If not let us know what you need. ... nents.html

Re: Mac exports not working on MacBook Pro

PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:53 am
by akr
So far I have no clue what quicktime player has to do with. Yesterday I compiled moonpatrol and ran it on mac SnowLeopard without any problems.

Must admit that I havent much programs installed other than Xcode, ntfs-3g, photoshop...

U can get moonpatrol on the demo section.

Re: Mac exports not working on MacBook Pro

PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 3:40 am
by TomUNSW
zxcvbnm wrote:Ok now that you specifed the problem lets see what we can do.

1) What components is the quicktime player need?
I know sometimes lets say it says cannot load wmv. avi. or mpeg 4 .l

Sorry, I have been unclear.
The Mac Mini used to have Final Cut Pro. When I launch any QuickTime it complains about missing frameworks of Motion, Final Cut Pro, Compressor and so on. I used the wrong word. QuickTime does that every time for everything, because the uninstall is not complete. On the MacBook, these programs are installed and there is no warning. Nevertheless, the game does not run. The actor is using the ball.gif that comes with the tutorials.

So far I have no clue what quicktime player has to do with. Yesterday I compiled moonpatrol and ran it on mac SnowLeopard without any problems.

I found MoonPatrol. It loaded up and opened in the Editor no problem. But the executable doesn't work.

I will have to try more macs... there's about 200 here at work!
I'll also try building on a PC. Somewhere, a machine will work and then I can figure out what the difference is. Maybe it's Final Cut? Or a sound driver? I have Pro Tools on here as well, might be trying to open the digidesign sound driver. Whatever it is, it seems to be waiting for a device...

Re: Mac exports not working on MacBook Pro

PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:15 am
by TomUNSW
I tried Game Editor on the teaching machines here and had this error:
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/X11/lib/libX11.6.dylib
Which suggests something like X Windows is required.

I would be great to have a specification for what GE needs to run. I have to ask computing services here about any non standard set up required for the software, and it can take weeks to get a new build.

If I can get GE running it would be in front of many students some of whom are in Computer Science courses, and might be able to contribute to code development. I really need something that can work cross platform, and GE is really close to perfect - if I can just solve these problems before next year.

The freeze might be due to digidesign sound drivers, I'm going to remove them and see if that works...

Re: Mac exports not working on MacBook Pro

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 4:12 pm
by akr
Instead of doubleclicking try the following:

open terminal
change to your directory
chmod +x exported-game

This should work.

Re: Mac exports not working on MacBook Pro

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:14 pm
by akr
I most likely found the problem. Will send u a updated gameEditorMacosx (engine only). Place this into your ge/bin directory. Every generated executable will then run as app bundle also.



PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:46 am
by TomUNSW
Hi andreas, that's fantastic!
This works as predicted - the game plays.

So I didn't need to remove all my Pro tools libraries! :lol:

So what I'll do now is go ask the guys at Computing Services about the dynamic library. I am sure this will be OK - they are obviously going to be comfortable with open source software.

There's no panic on it as the course will run next year - but it gives me time to start developing some teaching materials. The problem we had this year was that the software was too limited for some of the students, and Mac only. I think GE will be perfect.

Re: Mac exports not working on MacBook Pro

PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:47 am
by DST
So what about the rest of us? I just found out yesterday that the osx versions of my games haven't been working either.

Re: Mac exports not working on MacBook Pro

PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:55 pm
by akr
Hi DST. Which version are u using? From or from the appstore?

Re: Mac exports not working on MacBook Pro

PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:44 pm
by Kalladdolf
Using the version. Confirming.

Re: Mac exports not working on MacBook Pro

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:59 am
by master0500
mine also wont work, using .com version