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PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:22 am
by NightOfHorror
I need help with several things.

1. Can someone make a sprite for me, it' going to be my main character in my first game.

2. Can someone think of enemies for a theme background called old styled village.

3. Can someone tell how to script.

4. Can someone give me a tutorial on coding.

5. Can someone tell how to export paint pictures to GE.

Or you can just give me a tutorial on the last 3.
Thanks. :D


PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:58 am
by skydereign
1. Normally when you ask for a sprite on the forums you specify what dimensions you want it to be, what it will look like, and what style you want it in. Without that people can't really help you. You may not be picky about what the character looks like but it makes things easier for others who want to help.

2. If you want ideas for enemies it would help to know what type of game. Without knowing how the game is supposed to go, it is hard to come up with relevant enemies.

3/4. There are plenty of tutorials on scripting, again you need to be more specific. If you look at the tutorials general scripting is pretty self explanatory, but again it depends on what you are trying to do and how much you know. Look here for some basic tutorials.

5. If you save your image, you can load the image into gameEditor by clicking [Add Animation] on the actor control panel.


PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 9:06 pm
by NightOfHorror
sorry. Okay I will explain a little better. I just want simple 2D dimensions for the games. I want to also make him taller than the biggest man. He is not human, he is a creature(that still looks human) that rests until a large group of humans are in a horrible state of trouble. He has a clear blue bladed weapon with an onix black hilt. His weapon changes over time though. One time it was a club, now it would be a gun that looks like a sniper but you can switch it to sniper, handgun, or shotgun. He can spread out wings for one minute, but then he has to recharge for ten minutes. He has pale skin. The enemies are warriors of Mars.(Ares) So they are vicious war-loving creatures.

Thanks 1+for you :D


PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:20 pm
by NightOfHorror
Can someone get me these animations