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ROOMS for game editor!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:40 am
by savvy
WE need to add in rooms, as having an entire game in one big room creates lag,
I also have a friend who needs more tutorials, i don't, but he does.

Re: ROOMS for game editor!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:44 am
by skydereign
This seems to be a highly talked about subject. If your game is lagging, gameEditor has several things you can do to fix that. The easiest to implement would be to have activation regions around each level, or whatever you would put in the rooms you propose. If you didn't know, anything within an activation region is either turned on or off (when actors are turned on, they reset to their initial position, and are recreatead). This state depends if the view is within the region or not. This will allow for multiple levels without lagging. Maybe you already knew this and were just proposing the idea, but if you do want a list of alternatives, I can help you out.

Re: ROOMS for game editor!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:49 pm
by krenisis
wow skyderiegn great answer not!!!!!!ok buddy here is how i do it step by step there many ways but this is my way
1)make 1 level of the game ...let say name of game is ..gun1 the end of level make a door actor...set it when ur main charactor hits it loads gun2
2) to make hitting door load gun2 do on door,,select events,,
select collision,,on any side of ur actor,,select action,,script editor,,go down to load game...put name of next ok,,select immediate action
2)make a 2nd level called gun2...
3)export 1st level gun1 any way u want,,,export 2nd level gun2 as data file and put them in same folder.
4)now there u have it any question feel free to ask me
yes u can use activation regions but thats a little more complicated and it has bugs in it

Re: ROOMS for game editor!

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:37 am
by skydereign
If lag is brought up, then most likely the lag has been experienced, meaning savvy probably has a game already. This may or may not be true. So the easiest way to fix this, in a preexisting game is to use ActivationRegions. I am not wrong, my explanation seems fine in this context.

Re: ROOMS for game editor!

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:28 am
by krenisis
tell him how to do it step by step ....thats what iam saying like the way i did ok

Re: ROOMS for game editor!

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:47 pm
by makslane
Read about "Activation Regions" here: ... ormenu.htm

Also, search on the forum for "Activation Regions"