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Write a review and support Game-Editor

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:10 pm
by jasonbrownlee
I'm collecting reviews of Game-Editor by developers with finished and released games.

If you're interested, please write your review in the form at:

Reviews will be published very soon.



Re: Write a review and support Game-Editor

PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:40 pm
by jasonbrownlee
Thanks again to those who have written a review for Game Editor.
I have started posting them to the site.

You can see them here:


Re: Write a review and support Game-Editor

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:12 am
by Hblade
yay my review :) Thanks.

Re: Write a review and support Game-Editor

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:57 pm
by digiot
@ Jason !

Thanks for your engagement here,GE really needs more advert in the wild!
But could you please correct the "non scripting" statement,as the ability of
scripting is one of the great advantages of GE !



Re: Write a review and support Game-Editor

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:03 am
by Hblade
Sure, how do I edit it?

Re: Write a review and support Game-Editor

PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 2:18 am
by Chai
Just write the review on the

This is my review about Game-editor.
When I was young, I am really hunger to making 2d game. Since 2005 the first time I founded Game-Editor. I really like and fall in love with the power of Game-editor engine that allowed you create your game in any kinds of game base in 2d platform form your imagination. Moreover, it can export to any platform such as Mobile, Windows OS and Linux OS.

Game-Editor is my best game engine choice since 2005 because of several reasons. First of all, interface is nice easy to use and easy to understand. The coding is not complicate and gives you a full of freedom to modify for innovation any game function you want. The Game-editor community is really strong, friendly and helpful. The best thing but not the last, Game-editor have a lot example game files you can learned in the community.

Even these days you can find many game engines on the market but not one of them have capacity, freedom to created and easy to lean same as game-editor.


Re: Write a review and support Game-Editor

PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 1:24 am
by Zivouhr
Game Editor is a great tool for allowing many of your 2D gaming dreams to spring to life with persistence and ambition. While the first game is almost complete, it's living up to the vision I originally aimed for, which is a great aspect of Game Editor and it's features. Many thanks to the creator of Game Editor and the helpful forum members. Available for PC, Mac, Unix development. Exporting your game to any of the platforms takes only a couple minutes or less, depending on the game's scope. While it can use some refinement in a couple areas (sometimes the script editor will crash the program during large projects or coding errors so save often as with any software) it's generally very user friendly and easy to get the hang of, even without a knowledge of scripting, thanks mostly to the helpful included demos and the forum demos and advice, most of all. Recommended for 2D game developers, beginners and advanced alike. Language C scripting.