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Creating simple characters

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:08 am
by RippeR7420
Hello everybody, In this post i'm gonna show you a really easy way to create simple pixel 8-bit characters in MSpaint.

Step 01: The silhouette(the outline or general shape of something).

First we're going to start off with a simple silhouette. Draw an outline of how you would like you character to look.
I'm just gonna do a really quick and simple sample for now.

Step 02: The basic colors.

In this step we are going to separate the body and limbs with very basic color, as in the picture below.

Step 03: Defining characteristics.

Here we are going to define the character. Whether it's giving the character hair, making them a bit more fat or even
a bit more skinny.

Step 04: Shading([u]Bring the character to life).[/u]

Now, Here i like to make a simple palette of colors(Normally I use 5 or 6 different shades). Pick a light source. and
let the magic happen. This is a very quick and basic tutorial, So, sorry for the poor quality of this character as it
is just an example to follow from.

These four images took a rough 15 minutes to draw. If you take your time and really focus, You will have really badass
looking 8 bit characters in no time! This was just an example, So i hurried through the detailing and what not.

I hope this helps someone out there!


Re: Creating simple characters

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:19 pm
by GEuser

I'm not good at figure drawing kind of stuff ( I suppose like everything it comes with practice).

What I was looking for was a way to create differrent facial features and parts for a face-kit. Kind of like for rpg's or space-trading type games where you see only the face when you interact with different NPC's. So don't really have much of a clue when comes to doing eyes, ears, mouth, hair, head shapes. So really need a good set for each. Something like 8 heads, eyes, skins, mouths, hairs, so forms a lot of combo possibilites. Anyways, thanks for the short tut.