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PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:55 pm
by dragonfyre13
This was referenced here ... ditor.html

But I thought I would expand on it a bit. This is not only a major issue for RPGs, but also an issue for any other type of game of decent size. Multiple maps would speed up loading time, processing time, and would majorly aide the ability to write games. 90% of games are made with multiple maps, both platformers and others. Game Editor is simply not scalable enough without this.

Writing a large game in the current format takes a lot of work to get around this issue. Writing even a mid size game takes a lot of load time with all one map, and also majorly increases the ram usage, and CPU usage on a given platform specifically because it has to deal with the entire game at once. This just isn't viable beyond a certain point, and Game Editor games do not do well on older PPCs for this very reason.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:35 pm
by relaxis
you can use LoadGame function.


Code: Select all
 Loadgame ("map1.ged");

Export maps as dat files using one main executable.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 1:26 am
by makslane
You must use Activation Regions to speed up the load time.
So, only the used parts on the level will be loaded.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 10:31 am
by Sindarin
I second this too.

This is just impractical to have the whole game cluttered up in a single map.
There's no multimedia tool with one single workspace/page/room/scene.
I was going to use Game editor to create a large project for multiple platforms but because of that I chose to go with Game maker.