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Help with spriteing

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:09 pm
by GuybrushThreepwood
I'm really new at spriteing, and every time i try to make an animation, the top of it is chopped off, and appears underneath the next frame. Can anyone help please? :mrgreen:

Re: Help with spriteing

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:26 am
by skydereign
Okay, what I do is I take the initial frame size, lets say 10x10. Then, I mark the left side with a line and the bottom, and copy that created border. Then increase the canvas size to 10x100. Paste it below. Essentially you are created a border for each frame animation. Do this till you reach the bottom. I prefer vertical framed sprites as they can be reflected for right left sprites. Then create your initial sprite, copy it and paste it down 10 pixels. If you are using a program that allows layers, I use the gimp, then you can set the image as a reference on a lower layer. Keep making the sprites and then copy it down and start the next. When moving the sprite down, don't move it left or right. Also, when making sprites for a character, all of the sprites should be the same size, and have the same start point. So if you are making a sprite for someone walking, you should use that starting position and frame size for that person attacking. I can explain with pictures if you want.

The important part is making the template/borders, and keeping the sprites equally distant, so the actors feet are always at the same point. Otherwise the actor may suddenly fly or fall through the ground.

Re: Help with spriteing

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:36 am
by DST
skydereign wrote: I prefer vertical framed sprites as they can be reflected for right left sprites.

I've always used horizontal sprites because they are easier to fit on screen while i'm working on them in photoshop, but you're dead on, vertical sprites would be much easier to work with when they need to be flipped.

Re: Help with spriteing

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:28 pm
by GuybrushThreepwood
it would be nice if u explained with pictures :mrgreen:

Re: Help with spriteing

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:44 pm
by skydereign
Hope this helps, any further questions just ask. Spriting can take awhile to get used to. Also getting used to the animation speed and fluidity of your sprites is important.