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No collision possible with a wire actor that has a parent?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:48 am
by Diana Kennedy
Okay, here is my problem. I am still at my volture scene. The volture comes down, collides with actor dead horse and changes animation (begins to eat) but...oh-oh - the volture kinda floats in the air while eating. Of course. It has stopped its course at the invisible edge of the image:


So I had this idea: I created a wire region actor - (they are so usefull as invisible collision factors) and made the dead horse the parent of it. So Wherever the dead horse actor would be created, the wire "wound" would be created also. I placed the wire a bit lower:

And now I changed the whole thing that the volture has to collide with the wire actor to change its aniamtion and stop flying. Since the wire is lower, I hoped the volture would place itself correctly on the carcass.

But disappointment: The volture does not react to collision with the wire region. So actors that have a parent are not collision-suitable? If yes, this is sad :( It would be a great opportunity if I could place such "aiming points" glued on the actors, it would allow a lot of possibilities.)

Any idea how to differently approach my problem?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:56 am
by Fuzzy
There is another way for you to do this.

create the wire area actor. select no for create at start up on the actor control menu. Add event create actor on the dead horse. This gets done when the horse first appears. Hit the action button, and find create actor again. Select the actor name of the wire. Presto, the wire area appears where you want it. It belongs to the horse, but its not its child.

Re: No collision possible with a wire actor that has a paren

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:59 am
by makslane
Diana Kennedy wrote:So actors that have a parent are not collision-suitable?

I have tested here and there is no problem with collision between actors with parents. I don't know what's happen.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:59 am
by Fuzzy
There is another way for you to do this.

create the wire area actor. select no for create at start up on the actor control menu. Add event create actor on the dead horse. This gets done when the horse first appears. Hit the action button, and find create actor again. Select the actor name of the wire. Presto, the wire area appears where you want it. It belongs to the horse, but its not its child.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:59 am
by Diana Kennedy
Good idea! I will try this out. Only problem may be that I cannot really control where the wire actor will place itseklf on the horse. Let's see, I try it and give feedback. Thanks!!!

Re: No collision possible with a wire actor that has a paren

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 1:01 am
by Diana Kennedy
makslane wrote:
Diana Kennedy wrote:So actors that have a parent are not collision-suitable?

I have tested here and there is no problem with collision between actors with parents. I don't know what's happen.

Shall I send you a ged-file?

Re: No collision possible with a wire actor that has a paren

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 1:06 am
by Diana Kennedy
makslane wrote:
Diana Kennedy wrote:So actors that have a parent are not collision-suitable?

I have tested here and there is no problem with collision between actors with parents. I don't know what's happen.

Maybe the problem is the following: The wire actor "wound" is created at startup, but its parent, the horse only during the game. This may be the cause? I wanted to set the wire actor "create at startup" to no, but it didn't allow me so, without disabling the parent

Re: No collision possible with a wire actor that has a paren

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 1:14 am
by Fuzzy
Diana Kennedy wrote:
makslane wrote:
Diana Kennedy wrote:So actors that have a parent are not collision-suitable?

I have tested here and there is no problem with collision between actors with parents. I don't know what's happen.

Maybe the problem is the following: The wire actor "wound" is created at startup, but its parent, the horse only during the game. This may be the cause? I wanted to set the wire actor "create at startup" to no, but it didn't allow me so, without disabling the parent

Right. Dont give the wound actor a parent. It doesnt need one, if you use my method. Parenting us mostly useful for moving stuff around and having the children follow.

Re: No collision possible with a wire actor that has a paren

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 4:10 pm
by Troodon
ThreeFingerPete wrote:
Diana Kennedy wrote:
makslane wrote:
Diana Kennedy wrote:So actors that have a parent are not collision-suitable?

I have tested here and there is no problem with collision between actors with parents. I don't know what's happen.

Maybe the problem is the following: The wire actor "wound" is created at startup, but its parent, the horse only during the game. This may be the cause? I wanted to set the wire actor "create at startup" to no, but it didn't allow me so, without disabling the parent

Right. Dont give the wound actor a parent. It doesnt need one, if you use my method. Parenting us mostly useful for moving stuff around and having the children follow.

And if the wired region is not working the way you want, you can allways do a little aim actor wich is invisible. :wink:

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 5:49 pm
by Diana Kennedy
Three Finger Pete - your idea worked very well! This solved the problem! Thank you very much! :)

TekDino - another good idea! Working wth invisible actors. :)

Makslane: Nevertheless it maybe would be a good new feature if it was possible for a child actor to have the option to be created within the game and not at startup.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 5:52 pm
by Troodon
By the way, wich kind of game are you making? :wink:

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:55 pm
by Fuzzy
There is a change parent event in the action menu

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:42 pm
by Diana Kennedy
tekdino wrote:By the way, wich kind of game are you making? :wink:

Well, it is called "A sea of Grass" and is a very special hunting game, with the characters of my comics. (the comic plays in an alternate reality, and thereferoe there are pleistocene beasts remained in a modern time world). You go hunting for mamoths, ice-age Antelopes and Irish Elks with the hero (JFK).
The goal is not to shoot as many animals you can get (altough you can hunt by number) but to do everything right. So the game is designed to be as realistic as possible with a plausible and natural behavior of the animals and good animations.

It is more a sort of an interactive adventure comic story than a traditional highscore-game.

I try to ad as much randomness and possibilities as possible, so that each adventure will be different.
It means a lot of work, especilally since I have to overcome the problem that a 2D world has to be isometric, and also bcause I have to plan a whole bunch of possible happenings. My greatest concern is that the game will be hundreds of MB in the end. Well, it isn't designed for a cell phone, anyway.
I take a great pleasure to do this, even tough I am not sure if I will really end up by doing something useful. It is simply the thrill to create and bring to life a very special universe. Where else can you go and hunt Mamoths with JFK? ;)
I sure will have a lot of questions in the future, so I would'nt be able to progress if there were not this cool forum with you guys!
