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Heads up boys and girls, Tournaments with SMALL cash prizes!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 12:22 am
by NightOfHorror
Will be coming soon! :D

In case you are not aware, there is a GE Facebook page (the one with about 100 likes, not the other one) ran by me I guess. I am bored, so I think I might boost a post, get some people aware of a tournament coming soon, and perhaps get a few new users.

It is time for me to create a theme. Feel free to suggest one........

Also, I was considering seeing if makslane has any plans for this site, or if he is willing to allow it to change a bit (I was considering a total revamp of this site, as much as I love good ol' GE Pacman, it is time to change. Was thinking of using Ize, gelman, snorky (never will let you die!), or perhaps a combination!

Also, I was thinking of perhaps having the site redesigned, and hopefully find an admin to finally finish GE 1.5.

Still debating if I should go through with that specific plan though.

Re: Heads up boys and girls, Tournaments with SMALL cash pri

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 9:45 pm
by juansimat
Anything that gives life to Game Editor is welcome

Re: Heads up boys and girls, Tournaments with SMALL cash pri

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 6:20 am
by Zivouhr
A site redesign? While I like the format of things, still would be interested in hearing more, as long as it keeps all of the helpful tips easy to find.
The pacman style icon is good, but a new icon is welcome if we eventually get a new update of GE.
I don't use fbook, but do you have a link to the game editor page Night of Horror? Thanks.

Re: Heads up boys and girls, Tournaments with SMALL cash pri

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:13 pm
by NightOfHorror
Zivouhr wrote:A site redesign? While I like the format of things, still would be interested in hearing more, as long as it keeps all of the helpful tips easy to find.
The pacman style icon is good, but a new icon is welcome if we eventually get a new update of GE.
I don't use fbook, but do you have a link to the game editor page Night of Horror? Thanks.

It is not too professional, the page was originally designed for something else related to GE, and we haven't really used it much. Lately, I have been sharing "snapshots" of GE history, and am possibly considering allowing donations to fund for boosting the page to get more GE presence on Facebook: ... page_panel

Also, I am more focused on a change of the icon. I love the GE pac-man, but I believe we need a new logo to truly represent GE. I noticed the other day as well, that Game Editor has a bad reputation among some people (see post #7 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=12010&p=85079&hilit=nova+ranger#p85079), so I would like GE to have some sort of "rebirth" among the Game-community.

Re: Heads up boys and girls, Tournaments with SMALL cash pri

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 6:02 pm
by Zivouhr
Okay, thanks for the link.
Yes, Axria and Nova Ranger both look great.

Re: Heads up boys and girls, Tournaments with SMALL cash pri

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 8:35 pm
by NightOfHorror
Zivouhr wrote:Okay, thanks for the link.
Yes, Axria and Nova Ranger both look great.

No problem!

Also, if you have any suggestions about the site or logo, feel free to share. :D