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Newbie question - how to make a maze

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:31 pm
by pxm4
Hi all, I just started playing with Game Editor and I'm impressed! I've been trying to create a PAC MAN like game and have run into a wall of sorts. I've created the actor, backgrounds, music and a splash screen. However I have some questions about the maze part. I have the main actor moving using the arrow keys with animation. I tried using tiles but the actor just walks right through them! Whats the best way to setup a maze and control the actors path through the maze? I went through the cave man demo but mt tiles don't seem to stop the characters movement. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Re: Newbie question - how to make a maze

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:39 pm
by skydereign
You have to use PhysicalResponse. Use the tile method, it will help out if you are making more levels. The next thing is to have a collision event for your main actor, pacman. I suggest using the script editor, as using it later will help a lot.

pacman -> Collide(tile actor/repeat) -> Script Editor
Code: Select all

PhysicalResponse will prevent moving through the actors.

Re: Newbie question - how to make a maze

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:39 am
by pxm4
Hey, awesome. Took me a second to get it to work. Didn't set the repeat so I think it fired then let me walk through. Thanks for the assist! :D

Re: Newbie question - how to make a maze

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:16 am
by ESL
You can also make a collision into the tile actor and give it a script of x=0 or xvelocity=0

Re: Newbie question - how to make a maze

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:39 pm
by BloodRedDragon
ESL, x=0 wont work, that will move the player back to 0 on the x axis. I would have x - or +1, depending on whatever side of the tile he collides with. Also, having thicker walls may help, because they wont be as easy to pass through by accident. :lol:

Re: Newbie question - how to make a maze

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:24 pm
by krenisis
Ok there Is a step by step tutorial section. Not the one that comes with Game Editor but the ones I made. I made a pac-man game tutorial. Click the link in my signature to visit this section. Thank you and good-luck with your games.