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Does anyone have a Vis Studio C++ Soln file?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:57 pm
by MrScience101
I have spent many hours trying to compile the game editor source code using Microsoft Visual Studio Express C++ 2008 express version on a machine running Windows Vista. I have downloaded raknet, clang, directx sdk, and many other supporting files.

I was curious if anyone has been able to compile it using Vis Studio Express C++ 2008? If so please pm me, as I would like to order a dvd from you that has the code and all the supporting files to successfully compile it under windows.

Also, Markslane if you happen to read this, when you get a chance could you please post what operating system, compiler, version of raknet, version of clang, and any other versions of code that you are using to compile the code?

I am perfectly willing to install Linux or whatever OS you are using if it means I can finally compile the code.

Many thanks. And thank you for all your hard work. Game editor is truly an amazing program.

Re: Does anyone have a Vis Studio C++ Soln file?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:27 am
by makslane
At this time you can compile without clang and llvm.
The RakNet version is 3.301.

I use the Visual C++ 2008 in the Windows Vista.

Re: Does anyone have a Vis Studio C++ Soln file?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:23 am
by MrScience101
Thanks for the quick response. You always provide it quickly :D . I wish I was smarter and could help more with this project.