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Game Editor on Windows 98?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:54 pm
by JamesLeonardo32
I was wondering if it was at all possible to run GE on windows 98? I've tried bringing it over with a cd to my 98. No matter if i want it to run it with a set "compatability" mode (eg, Run in 256 colours, 95/ 98 Mode), it allways says the computer would need an upgrade to run it.

So is it at all possible, or is GE just too powerfull? I was just wondering so i could experiment making a game on the ol' windows.

If no one knows, thats fine :roll:

Re: Game Editor on Windows 98?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:39 pm
by Jagmaster
Kinda weird, according to this doc you should be able to run GE games on Win95 and 98. I don't really know much about 95, and know nothing about 98. Wouldn't know the solution either. Perhaps the fact that those two are 16/32 bit hybrids? It shouldn't have any trouble with that though. An antiquated CPU perhaps? RAM issue?
I'm really not a computer engineer, so I really shouldn't be talking about stuff I don't know much about.

Interesting question though. It's kinda funny that we just threw out a 12 year old Win95 Compaq this summer. :lol:

Re: Game Editor on Windows 98?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:39 pm
by skydereign
That document was for older versions of gE, so 1.3.9 and lower. Since 1.4 compatibility testing for older windows machines has been dropped, though you may be able to get them to work (sounds like that's a no though).

Re: Game Editor on Windows 98?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 1:12 pm
by JamesLeonardo32
Threw out? Neawwwwww, i could've used some parts D= Jokes.

Ayway, thanks for the info, ill see if i have enough spare time to get the older version onto 98. If not, VirtualPC Emulation!

Sorry for the late reply ;)

Re: Game Editor on Windows 98?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:04 pm
by Jagmaster
By "threw out" I really meant the shell and monitor. I kept every little trinket in that thing, so my windowsill is covered in little parts. lol. I kept the parts mostly to take apart and see if I could get them back together again. It really didn't have anything valuable in it anyway. :P If I have to dispose of another computer I'll give you a ring hahaha.

Thanks for clearing that up Sky, Fundamentally, what changed between versions 1.3 and 1.4 that would limit functionality on older computers do you suppose?