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P2040;An almost clomplete game;for the use of this comunity

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:49 pm
by Game A Gogo
Hello world!
Today I've decided to stop all progress on P2040, I felt I've spent/wasted enough time on it as it is and besides, it's in demo-release conditions!

P2040 is a bit revolutionary, it takes the arcade feel and shoves it into GE with pretty graphics. There's not much to say about game play other than it's cool weapon system of 6 different weapons! Arm yourself with you daily normal shots, Fat Balls, Ice Pellets and the plasma shot! Don't forget those special weapons in times of need! The Plasma Bomb (P-Bomb) will send your enemies within it's explosion radius into mercy and the all-mighty WY-Beam that induces constant damage to wipe out several ships at once!

There is none, use your imagination!

-Neat graphics and sounds!
-Particle limiter for slower computers!
-Double weapon system that totals 6 different weapons!
-Joystick support!
-Comes with a Level Editor!
-Much more!

-Screen Shots-
neat graphics!

Awesome level editor!

Text Input.PNG

-The Keys-
Left, Right, Up, Down/Joystick Axis 1 - Move your ship around
Space/ Button 0 - Shoot primary
Left Ctrl/ Button 1 - Shoot secondary
Z/ Button 3 - Change Primary
X/ Button 2 - Change Secondary

-Additional Information-
P2040's Level Editor is one of my jewel in programming; It's a first for me, and perhaps for GE. It uses an external Bitmap file to then draw manually pixel per pixel the tiles in the editor, and just the way it does it, well, I guess it's unique?
Even though I find it's awesome and easy to use; it's hard to get used to
So here are how to get around in the Level Editor:

The best thing to know firstly about this editor is it has two "window". In other words, there is a menu selection and there is the editor itself where you modify your level. And in order to change something in each, you have to switch between them. This is the main principle of the Editor so that's why I felt I should let you know now before I start explaining the rest.

Defaultly you'll find yourself in the Menu Selection under the Joystick Control. If you don't have a joystick, I need you to press Enter on your keyboard to activate the Keyboard Control. The little joystick icon change to a keyboard, and the big square thing on the bottom left changed into a keyboard! read this, I know it's a bit hard but it tells you the keys for the current "window" you're in (Either the Menu Selection or the Tile Selection)

Now I can just hear a lot of people going "huh... how do I.. switch menu selections.. I can only change tiles!" Press the Select button (F, Joystick button 0), hurray!
To change a string of text, either press left or right (A and D or Left or Right on the first axis of joystick) and you'll be brought to the Text Editor window

If you're using a joystick, you'll notice the first axis now reacts like a mouse! meaning the position of the joystick is the position of the mouse (the cursor being a little white glowy dot for easy pointing), just hover over a letter and press the button 0, Button 1 is the shift key and Button 2 erases a letter. Note: the .alf button simply add ".alf" at the end of the string. handy for the file name
Now if your joystick's first axis is not a joystick but four buttons (Oh no!) or that you just don't have a joystick, use your mouse :) Left click to select a letter, Right click to erase the last one and both of the Shift key to shift! Note: The joystick mode goes on automatically after the mouse stops moving for a while

To change the Tile Parameter, just press left or right (A and D or Left and right on first axis for joystick)
Same with Current Tile, except with both axis (W,A,S,D and the first axis of joystick)

Now that you know how to get around the Menu Selection, it's time to learn the real fun part; Tile Selection mode!

You should know from now that to change screen, you need to press the button to goes to it (C/B10: Menu Selection V/B11: Tile Selection)

In the Tile Selection, simply go up, down, left and right to move your cursor around (W,A,S,D or first axis on joystick), to move the view around (Up, Down, Left, Right arrow keys and Second Axis for joystick).
Press and hold the Select Button (F, Button 0) and move your cursor around to select multiple tiles at once. Press the Put Tile to paste a tile (G, Button 1) works with multiple tiles at once! Press the Move Tile button (H, Button 3) to move tiles around, make sure to keep it pressed so you don't put it somewhere you shouldn't and erase what's underneath, works with multiple tiles at once! To quickly put a blank tile, press the Delete button (T or Button 4) works with multiple tiles!

To save files (Z, Button 8) and to load them (X, Button 9).

CursorInfo.PNG (2.82 KiB) Viewed 4591 times

1. Normal Cursor
2. Delete Cursor
3. Put Cursor
4. Select Cursor
5. Move Cursor

With that said, I'll let you discover the rest. I hope you enjoyed this...
Special thanks goes to Fuzzy and Bee-ant on helping me clean the code where it was possible, thanks a lot :)

-Some little Back-Info-
I was suppose to finish this game with 20 levels, have it finished like a real game and everything, but I ceased because I felt I was wasting my time with this, I already have the basic layed out, the rest would just be minor additional coding and a lot of graphic doing that would match the quality of the rest. I hope no one's deceived about my decision. But if you want to play bunch of levels, the level editor's right there so help yourself :P

-The File-
(6.75 MiB) Downloaded 297 times

should contain the Data folder, the P2040.ged, the Level Editor.ged, the Level0_0.alf and the LevelObject.bmp

And please, I'll even beg you, tell me what you think, and if you like this, I want to know it!
I beg you!

Re: P2040;An almost clomplete game;for the use of this comu

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:34 pm
by akr
This game is fantastic! I really like shooters, and especially your particle effect is addictive.


Re: P2040;An almost clomplete game;for the use of this comu

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:14 pm
by Game A Gogo
Thank you! I'm glad appreciated my game, you can expect more of that in the future, I wanted to make one I've always been trying to do for years!
P2040 was kinda a warm up when I started it. At least the new project will have a cleaner code and better level file integration, because that wasn't planned at first in p2040, it made out for little dynamic.

Re: P2040;An almost clomplete game;for the use of this comu

PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:02 am
by krenisis
Solid work and love of programming pays off. I tip my hat off to you game a gogo.

Re: P2040;An almost clomplete game;for the use of this comu

PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:03 am
by Game A Gogo
thank you!

Re: P2040;An almost clomplete game;for the use of this comu

PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:45 am
by Hblade
OMG i wanna play this so bad but I'm using my wii to check up on the forums my computer is broken >.> It should be up this week or the next :(

Re: P2040;An almost clomplete game;for the use of this comu

PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:20 pm
by Bee-Ant
Love the slow down effect on Pause :shock:

Re: P2040;An almost clomplete game;for the use of this comu

PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:25 pm
by Game A Gogo
hehe thanks everyone :)

Re: P2040;An almost clomplete game;for the use of this comu

PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:08 pm
by Hblade
Ok computer is fixed testing now :D

Re: P2040;An almost clomplete game;for the use of this comu

PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:17 pm
by Hblade


Re: P2040;An almost clomplete game;for the use of this comu

PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:17 am
by savvy
This is AMZING i love the explosions and everything, they all work perfectly. and i also like the bit at the end, with your name in power-ups. if u made a few more levels, u could sell this one for quite a bit on the online market.

Re: P2040;An almost clomplete game;for the use of this comu

PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:19 pm
by Game A Gogo
IF I had 400$ which I don't.

Re: P2040;An almost clomplete game;for the use of this comu

PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:26 pm
by savvy
:lol: lol :lol:

Re: P2040;An almost clomplete game;for the use of this comu

PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:01 pm
by Game A Gogo
So I only stick with GE for making games out of fun; programming is in my blood and I can't live without it >_>
Whenever I'll be useless here, I'll be gone no warning, people will forget me until a bit later "Where's that gogo guy?" :P
I have no benefit in using GE whatsoever at this point, but I hope this community and perhaps Makslane profits a little from my efforts. High quality demo's are gonna get GE more popular than most demo's out there... Not to be mean or anything, some people who makes demo's quickly without quality in their mindset sometimes shows a bad example of GE; But what can they do more? they've been though by other bad examples. GE is a place where it doesn't harvest only good programmers, no, far from that. It brings inexperienced users and trains them. So I like to consider GE as the door for greater things. It made scripting easy to learn; for me at least.

Re: P2040;An almost clomplete game;for the use of this comu

PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:52 pm
by Game A Gogo
updated the main post... it was messy for some reason, nothing interesting.