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Collision problem

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:17 am
by EvilDragon

I'm currently trying to do a pinball game.
So far, physics etc. work fine.

However, I've got a few problems with the collision.

When one of the two colliding objects is very fast (in this case, the ball), it simply runs THROUGH the wall :O
How can I prevent that?!

This problem also leads to a problem with the Plunger: When I press X, the plunger goes down.
As soon as I let go of X, the plunger moves up pretty fast to it's normal positiion (and should shoot the ball).
However, the ball just falls through the plunger (as the plunger is too fast).

Any solutions for this?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:08 pm
by makslane
Try reduce the actor velocity.
Look the 'Final velocity multiplier' in the Physical Response action.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:54 pm
by EvilDragon
Tried many different settings.
Couldn't get it to work :(

If you want, you can take a look here:

I'd really appreciate it if you could help me.

Use X to pull the plunger.