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Night Knight

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:35 pm
by happyjustbecause

Night Knight Overview:

Story: The story of Night Knight is about the main character, Sol Set trying to make his city a more hospitable place. In order to do so, he has to face the city’s large amount of thugs and super criminals. These super criminals consist of Hypnos, Alienator, Split Fiend, and Historian. Each of the super criminals have their own characteristics, methods of going about crime, and they each have vastly different personalities. Night Knight doesn’t want to just throw these thugs in jail though, he doesn’t like the whole idea of how crime is handled in Gothopolis. Sol promotes the idea of understanding why each criminal did what they did. Though they are dangerous while they are given power from super criminals, or if they are super criminals themselves, they are powerful. Night Knight does his best to rid Gothopolis of crime and he does his best to find the root issue of what caused the crime in the first place.

Gameplay: Night Knight is essentially a 2D platformer, but it has many traits which make it stand out from the average game. The environments, enemies, tools, powers, and dialogue are all extremely varied, providing an engrossing experience. The way Night Knight plays is a new experience because of how the player is given much freedom of movement and tactics. Night Knight can upgrade his weapons and powers to have interesting and useful traits. Bosses are also very important to how the game plays. At the end of nearly each mission, a boss will be fought, these battles will be challenging and creative.

Replay Value: The replay value of Night Knight is fairly large for a fairly short game. Much can be unlocked in the game, including in-game type unlockables such as upgrades to weapons, but other things like concept art and easter eggs are available to the player. Different game modes are also accessible, allowing new ways to play. These modes can consist of waves of enemies, collecting objects as quickly as possible, to strategically defeating enemies.

Overall: Overall, Night Knight is an experience worth checking out. The game has unique attributes to how the game actually plays, to how the story unravels itself, and to what the player is able to do when finished with the story.


Night Knight Biography: Night Knight’s real name is Sol Set, meaning sun set, representing his Night title. As a boy, Sol grew up in a rough environment, his small family grew up in poverty, and he had to live in the urban city slums for most of his child life. He grew up seeing large amounts of crime due to the area he lived in, and he knew that the people were good people, that it wasn’t their fault for having grown up in a poor environment. Though he came to this realization, he couldn’t have much affect on a solution until he grew slightly older. As a child he often had to commit his own crimes in order to get by, his mother and father were often jailed for stealing food, and they always attempted to get jobs, but couldn’t obtain them, or they were part time minimum wage jobs. Despite their hardships, they still treated Sol with amazing care and love, they were stressful, but a closely knit family who had much love. Attending school for Sol was difficult, he knew that his mother and father were struggling at their low paying jobs, while he was away at school, getting nothing to get them out of the slums. A couple times as a kid, Sol was attacked, and beat up, his parents thought that it may be a good idea to learn some physical education to keep himself safe. But they knew that non violent communication would be best, and they would lecture him on that when possible. Sol got by with a B average without paying any attention to the material, not to say he didn’t learn all he could, but he was preoccupied at home, and didn’t have the full attention he could have, if he didn’t have stress of money, or his low social class. As he grew up he wanted change, he was tired of living in the low class, low income family, he wanted his family and his community to be happy, and he was especially tired of the necessary crime of the community.


Sol was just 18 when his parents were killed in ______. He was devastated, his parents were nearly all he had, and he loved them so dearly, the only other family member he had was his Grandfather.

Sol graduated high school just after turning 18, he was dedicated to stopping the crime filled streets of his town, he wasn’t sure what to do about it, but he knew something must be done. He always heard about the mega criminals, ones who were truly “madmen”. People like the so called “Hypnos”, “Split Fiend”, “The Alienator” and “Warhawk”. Apparently Hypnos and Warhawk were very rich, and yet they still wreaked havoc among the people of _____. Sol wondered about these people, and what could have gone wrong. He thought about his own upbringing and how he had to fight to survive, but he didn’t turn into some super criminal, and then he thought of his parent’s care and attention despite the troubled times. Sol realized that the environment must have shaped the criminals to be the way the are today. Sol had heard of people rising up to fight these criminals, and their henchman, but he knew that the putting of criminals in jail, really didn’t solve the problem. His determination to fight the constant corruption and crime was undeterred by his current financial instability. Sol shared these ideas with his parents’, but they felt that they were kind of “stuck”, because of where they were at with money.

Sol wanted to join the others, and become a hero, to fix things, to make his parents proud, to shape the city into a better place. He began writing things about how the person isn’t truly at fault for their crimes, it is their upbringing, and he continued to have that philosophy. He went to prisons and jails to see the henchman of people like Hypnos and Split Fiend. Many came from impoverished families themselves. This learning process continued until finally Sol received some recognition from a certain person(Don't Yet Know Background Or Name). She recognized Sol’s talents and saw the intelligence of his writings, especially from someone so young. Sol began to write papers, and actually receive some revenue for it. After a fast explosion of recognition, he was able to go to a college, with the college paying his fees. He studied psychology and anthropology, and physical education to keep himself safe in his neighborhood, as well as many mechanically inclined classes, like metal shop and science classes. Things were going very well, his parents were beginning to see how amazingly intelligent Sol was, Sol was hoping to make a difference, but he had yet to see a true impact, or how in the world he could. The super criminals still had the city in their power, the crime rate was still soaring at record rates. All this learning was great, but he didn’t yet have the power to “do” anything spectacular yet.


The Night Knight Formation:

After his parents’ tragic death, Sol was so angry with the whole Hypnos following. They were mercenaries for Hypnos, and they killed his parents. The parents that shaped his entire life. The ones that backed him up for everything, that could have been abusive, that could have given up on him, or that could have left him entirely through their stressful times for money. Sol felt he had to do something drastic, something with an immediate response and impact on the crime and super criminals. He began to think about the others who rised up ____, ____, and _____ all decided enough was enough. He felt it was time to rise up himself. He though of the countless nights that he had heard the sirens go by his window. He thought of the guardian that he could be to the city, and he thought of a name.

He came up with Night Knight... Silly he thought, but he already had created a fantasy of this as a kid. He already had sketches and thoughts on how to get around the city, chasing “bad guys”. Despite the slight childish aspect, he saw that others had created a name for themselves by posing as a hero figure, and maybe that figure could be what prevents people from thinking they can take the city as there own. He began designing a costume, it was meant to be lightweight, and dark to easily be concealed in the darkness of the night. He didn’t like the idea of fighting, but he thought he may have to be done. He created an image for Night Knight, meant to be slightly feared by the enemies of the city, but a hero figure to the public. He didn’t really want the spotlight, but again, maybe one is needed to keep the super criminals from complete power. His goal was to not need any sort of hero of the city, but for the city to remain peaceful on its own. After much time, after he created his suit and a small amount of technology which could be used against henchman or even the super criminals themselves. He created the suit, but he never used it yet, he was scared, and unsure on what to do, or if he really could do something about the crime. He was wondering about how much power he really had to create some change in the world, or even the city.

But one night, a major incident in the city was going on, a large group of robots, made by The Alienator, was going to raid a _____. Sol felt like he should do something. He didn’t want to stand by again, and just let another tragedy happen, for all he knew, there could be people that could lose amazing parents, just as he did, what was the difference between his life and those peoples. Sol decided enough was enough, he suited up as Night Knight, got ready for action, and headed out. He was nervous, he didn’t exactly know what he would do, but he couldn't just let something terrible happen again. He was running towards the UFOs, unsure what he would do if he ran into one of them, he brought a couple of throwing crescents, but would he be able to do something if he ran into a person? He didn’t like the thought of having to fight one of the henchman, but he continued to go.

Hypnos Biography: Hypnos is the arch Nemesis of Night Knight, he wishes nothing other than to expose Night Knight for what he really is. His real name is Morpheus Nox, derived from the Greek God of dreams (Morpheus), and the roman translation of Nyx, the Greek Goddess of the night (Nox). He uses hypnotic powers to achieve what he wants, he is extremely persuasive and monetarily powerful.

Growing Up In A "Dog Eat Dog World":

Morpheus grew up in a middle class family that was extremely business oriented. They were always trying to climb the ladder of success, to be on top of the food chain. They betrayed people if they had to, lied, lost friends, and many other things to remain and gain height to become as rich as they soon would. Hypnos was taught that it is a dog eat dog world, that you can't trust anyone, and to only trust family (though family relations were still very limited). His parents taught him much about business and economics, they saw potential in his interest in money. Morpheus took in all the behavior and soon followed his parents teachings "better" than they had. As he grew up and studied business more and more, he continued to help the family climb to the top of the pyramid. This was all done with a "whatever it takes" mentality. Morpheus was especially adept in manipulating people in order to suit the company's needs. People were not considered in such marketing and monetary matters. His parents of course were nothing but happy with his finical advice and behaviors towards people.

From Riches To Rags:

He was still very suave, sophisticated, intelligent, good looking, and generally liked among people (who did not have to be betrayed in business matters). He became an icon for his family at a young age, the business became such a well recognized and famous one that nearly everyone in the city knew about it. But after a plane crash which held future Hypnos and his parents occurred. Morpheus was comatose and his parents were made into "vegetables" due to severe head injuries. After 6 months, Morpheus awoke in a hospital to hear that his parents were not as he remembered them. He went to visit them and was absolutely devastated to find them in such a state. He was angry that the medical professionals could do nothing to help them.

Meanwhile the family business fell apart without any of them. In addition the medical expense of all 3 of the family members was extreme enough to wither away much of the personal money of Morpheus. With the money he had, he searched for something that could save his parents from the vegetable like state they were in. He eventually found one person, but it was an enormous cost with great risk of failure. With the great amount of money required and the company's collapse, Hypnos was in a debacle. He had to start from scratch in order to achieve the amount of money required for the medical treatment. He began being more ruthless than ever with his efforts to gain money. A mafia like business had been created by hiring thugs to punish those who didn't obey Morpheus's terms. He also kept his skills in manipulation. He even began taking classes and studies in hypnotizing, manipulative speaking, and other helpful corporation talents. Morpheus began to forget about his parents as he got trapped in the corporation mindset. He became more and more wicked in his methods, and he would take down any one in his way.

The Night Knight Confrontation:

Night Knight had been hearing about the rise of fame and monetary power of the ruthless Morpheus. He studied what he could scavenge from sources and he learned of his origin. Night Knight quickly learned of the parents and what they had taught him, Morpheus had simply been following what his parents taught him. Night Knight also learned of horrible stories of the methods used by Hypnos to achieve his desires. Night Knight wanted to see if he could help him, teach him how he is hurting others with his business only mentality. Night Knight had seen speeches and talks performed by Morpheus, he seemed he could be talked to without too much difficulty, he seemed actually likable when talking to a group of possible business partners.

Night Knight arranged a meeting with Morpheus, surprised by such an offer, he accepted. Morpheus though, had other things on his mind, he sought to have Night Knight help him with his own aspirations. But Morpheus was prepared with many body guards in case of any problems. Night Knight came with all his equipment on, for one to hide his identity, but also because he knew of possible disasters occurring at this meeting. Morpheus and Night Knight met, after brief exchange in small talk, Night Knight began talking about how Hypnos should reconsider how he runs his business. That he shouldn't only be considering the money aspect of the business, but also to be concerned about how people are affected. This, of course though, was extremely brief. As soon as Night Knight mentioned how Hypnos's parents taught him things that don't exactly need to be followed, that they were simply learned, and not true, Hypnos was infuriated. He began a long tirade of how his parents were grand people and don't deserve to ever be talked about in such a way again. Night Knight wasn't even able to interject before Hypnos's minions were commanded to attack Night Knight. Night Knight was fairly easily able to get himself out of the situation. Of course, while Night Knight was busy beating up the thugs, Morpheus had already left, angry that his thugs weren't worth anything.

The Forming of The Super Criminal: Hypnos

Morpheus now had a strong bitterness with Night Knight. He wished for Night Knight to be eliminated. He decided before the meeting that Night Knight would probably be a nuisance anyways. Morpheus was extremely let down by his hired goon's effectiveness. He also thought that was too obvious and that he needed to be do things himself (remembering that his parents said you can't trust anyone). Morpheus had something in mind… Something to counter Night Knight's role in the city. He began thinking of his hypnotism training in past years, and he thought he could combine that with similar styles of Night Knight, physical strength and personal power. Hypnos began to have a costume, designed to hide his identity completely and to strengthen his powers of voice manipulation and physical power. He didn't claim a title for himself though, it was gained after enough crimes and notoriety for the city to nickname him something.

Split Fiend Biography: Split Fiend is heavily inspired by Two Face from Batman, he is bipolar, is binary (D.I.D.), and is obsessed with the yin yang symbol and idea. Split Fiend’s original name is Morgan Frank, but he took on the name Janus after learning about the two faced god. He has no permanent damage to his face, but he always wears black and white masks, with the tragedy and comedy smiles/eyes. He often sports a yin yang necklace as well, he tries to keep a mixture of black and white clothing, sometimes wearing light armor, such as shoulder armoring, or thick gloves. He has no superpowers, only his skill in hand to hand combat, his anger with Night Knight, and a perceptive mind.

Split Fiend grew up with a rough childhood, his parents were poor and he lived in an unhealthy environment with his parents arguing and him being mentally and physically abused. Immediately he grew up knowing how to take care of himself and how to live in his rough lifestyle. Being very persuasive and tough, he became the ringleader to a small gang that often did petty crimes to survive. When things got worse at his home, or when money was tighter, he was much more active in his crimes with his gang. Split Fiend easily became a well respected criminal even at a very young age. As soon as possible he left his parents to bicker and fight, he lived on the streets before getting into crimes that brought more money in for himself. He started to plan out increasingly complex and intelligent maneuvers to achieve his goals in villainy. He rarely made mistakes in his work, and he continued to improve his techniques while doing his crimes.

As time went by, Morgan continued to do crimes, but he would only do so to survive. He was not living luxuriously, he stayed at hotels around the city, he was often on the move to prevent being caught. But one day he planned a large heist, he was low on money and he decided to not require petty crimes any longer, he was going to move to a new league. This is where all went wrong for Morgan, while breaking into a large corporation’s vault, he set off an alarm and was swiftly surrounded by authority figures. He gave up only after he was shot several times. What really affected Morgan’s anger was that after he surrendered one guard shot him once more, just to make sure that Morgan wouldn’t fight back. He later recovered, but heavily wounded. The security refused to give him proper medical treatment because Morgan had given them quite a challenge. He was simply dumped at a nearby prison.

It didn’t take long for Morgan to escape the prison, he rallied up other inmates and planned an extremely well made route out. Morgan then had enough with such mistreatment by the law, he had been hurt enough as a kid by his parents. He took up the name Split Fiend, organized a group of thugs whom he could trust enough to allow near him. To go along with a new super criminal status he included a black and white outfit including a yin yang necklace, symbolizing his thoughts on duality.

Alienator Biography: As a child, Ulysses Fath Orion was always alone. His parents barely paid attention to him, though they would buy him whatever he would want. And though he was not bullied, he was never paid attention to at school. He had few friends, and the ones he had, he eventually grew tired of. Even with his alienation he felt no need for friends, he found comfort and interest in astronomy and aliens. He was fascinated by the cosmos and the universe, not of the Earth's main inhabitants. He was either sketching possible aliens in the universe, or studying possible alien life.

He eventually got into the field of astronomy as a young man. He excelled in his classes and his professors were the first to take notice in him. He was colleagues with the professors now, the ones who were just teaching him, he was now teaching them. He was feeling fairly good with his school life and career until a terrible fire burned down the school, which took the lives of his newly found friends and professors. He was devastated and he felt finished with his hope of achieving relationships with anyone. He gave up on humanity, he was sick of the problems of the world, the ignorance of humanity, sick of his own stress, and he only wanted knowledge of the universe, and possible alien life.

He eventually became obsessed with the concept of giving up on humans, and he felt that there was no need for humans. He decided to wreak havoc, titling himself the Alienator, siding himself with any alien life that could rid the world of humans, fix the world's problems, or simply take him away. He would then create machines, and use his knowledge to his advantage to stop humans from making further progress in the world. Ulysses has no superpowers, but he does have one of the most brilliant and inventive minds the world has seen. He is extremely resourceful and mechanically inclined, making it very difficult to capture him, or to keep him captured. He will often use many UFOs or other robots when facing him.

Ulysses= Angry, Wrathful
Fath= Victorious
Orion= Dweller On The Mountain, Greek mythology Orion was a hunter who was accidentally killed by the one he loved.

Warhawk Biography: Warhawk is fascinated with all of history, but especially when it comes to wars or major conflicts in history. The studying and examination of the wars consumed Aries Smiter. He eventually became a history teacher, and he would go into complete detail about humanity’s wars with each other, and he was convinced that was the only way to settle conflict. A war-hawk at heart, he would constantly battle that wars were necessary. He eventually was fired from his position as a teacher, because of not teaching anything but battles and destruction of the past. He then went on to study fighting styles and learned great techniques of wars.

He later was recognized for his extreme studies in strategies in warfare, that he soon rose to the ranks of a general. Constantly his army would prevail, and he was happy with his bloody campaign against other members of humanity, until finally he was outmatched. His army was all but destroyed, and he was devastated with himself, he became possessed with the idea of his loss, and he worked only to achieve perfection in battle, and to attack whatever, whenever. He took up the name as Warhawk, and he gathered armor from many different ages and cultures, such as Samurais, Knights, and Vikings. He saw that Night Knight was rising in power against crime, and instead of trying to work with him, or fight crime as a challenge to Night Knight, he battled against Night Knight. Whenever possible, he would try to find and eliminate, or at least, humiliate Night Knight. He now had a new hobby, to destroy Night Knight, and defeat all of his glory. Aries Smiter has no superpowers except his mastery in blades, hand to hand combat, strategic warfare, experience as a general, and monetary power, making him a very dangerous foe.

Alan Smithee Biography: Alan Smithee grew up with a soaring passion for film. He would constantly be watching movies and shows of whatever genre. He would constantly be renting movies, sneaking into movie theatres, or going to his friend Thomas Lee’s house to watch them. His parents were not extremely wealthy, they couldn’t afford his adulation to movies. Feeling confident in his abilities, Alan began making many of his own short films. Despite his confidence, his parents had been fighting lately and they disregarded his film when he wanted to show them. Being a sensitive person, he took their response (and lack of a response) harshly. He still was extremely interested in this medium, but this emotionally affected Alan very much so. It made him insecure about himself and his work. Alan would grow up to be in many film classes before majoring in film in college.

As his experience in film grew, Alan began making more finished products. He showed these to his so called friends, and they didn’t like the way he filmed them. Alan’s films are usually very surreal with a plot that is often hard to follow. His friends didn’t respect his passion, and again Alan was left feeling angry and unhappy with himself. Film was all he knew and they disliked how he did it. Alan continued making films, but after his negative responses, he was lacking a certain energy he had before being criticized. The small amount of people at his school that did enjoy his work was declining. For a final project for the film class he had, he submitted a short movie he had been working extremely hard on. He received a D and immediately skipped his graduation. He had been pushed over the edge, he was sick of people not appreciating his work and he continued to dwell on this judgement until he was driven to insanity.

The Poet Biography: Constantly speaks in end rhymes and alliteration. Loves Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tails" for it's near constant use of couplets.

The First Level

As he neared _____, he started getting the real feeling that he was going into trouble. As he neared the area, he saw two UFOs. He quickly crouched and hid behind cover, even though he’d already learned that his crescents could do heavy damage to something like the UFO, he was still a little uneasy about actually entering combat. But he decided he must do something. He poked his head up from cover, and he then threw a couple crescents at the UFOs. They started to shake, but they still didn’t seem to completely malfunction or anything. He began to worry a bit as they started to move toward him, but he was ready to throw another crescent at one of them, and so he did. The one hit by a crescent blew up into a mist of bluish smoke and electricity. Night Knight was impressed with the power of the crescents he made, and how it only took 3 at high velocities to take down one of the Alienator’s UFOs. These were the weaker versions that would be much more numerous than two though. Seeker UFOs are tougher, and there are many other types of UFOs and henchman. He thought he should continue on, and quicker, because he heard more commotion and destruction up ahead. He began running towards the _____, he was jumping from rooftop to rooftop, using the acrobatic skills that he learned. Soon enough though, he saw a few more UFOs, he wasn’t too worried about them now. He rushed into combat, and he threw a few more crescents at each of them.

Alienator Confrontation: The alienator is attacking some place of political stature. Night Knight has spotted the alienator and confronts him.

I know these politicians aren’t quite up to your standards, but it’s no excuse to hurt them.

(Alienator turns his attention to Night Knight) They, among most of this pathetic population fail to recognize the root problem of to anything! How can humanity move on with such primitive ideas?

It may be a slow process of change, but we’ll get there Ulysses...

(Interrupting) Don’t call me that human associated name!

Even if you reject that you’re a human, you still are... Ulysses.

(Angered, switches to combat stance) I said not to call me such an Earthly name!

How am I supposed to stop you from wanting this? Why do you have so little hope for humanity?

What do you care... I see that you have a higher understanding than most, there is hope for a few, but humanity has doomed itself with its destruction, I’m merely a proponent of the inevitable.

If there’s hope in any, there’s hope for all, humanity has made progress, despite its downfalls.

“Progress” has led to power to destroy the Earth!

But we haven’t yet, and I don’t think we will. But if we believe that we will strongly enough, it may come true.

Hahaha, very wise, but I fail to see real change occurring before self destruction

Do you want a world of wickedness? Or do you want a world without fears?

Well presented with that duality, I suppose I do want a world...

(Police interrupt, sounds of police, sound that interrupts alienator’s talking is someone using an amplification device)

“Ulysses Fath Orion, (Alienator shutters with anger at the sound of this) we have you surrounded, don’t attempt to resist arrest, come down slowly and we won’t have any further problems!”

We’ve got a nice jail cell for you alien man!

You see, they want me to obey their primitive way of dealing with conflict, locking people up and hiding them from society! (Night Knight trying to calm Alienator down while he's yelling) They call me my old name which I disassociate with, yet they perpetually bring up old wounds! Why does humanity continue this evil and stupidity! Why do you stand in the way of me?! Why do you stand for them?!



Different Game Modes:

Star Grab: The player must try to collect all the stars without having any health damaged.

Survival: The play must try to survive continuing battles against increasingly difficult numbered enemies.

Story: The main part of the game, the story of Night Knight, including boss battles.

Boss Battle Replay: Replaying boss battle segments.

Weapons Of Night Knight:

Grappling Hook/Laser Gun: This is the main weapon/tool Night Knight uses. The grappling hook is to get to areas that he would not be able to normally reach. The laser gun is a light damage ranged weapon which is part of the grappling hook gun. Each of the tools on the gun have unlimited ammo, which is why this is the main thing he will use.

The Knightstick: This is the close ranged weapon of Night Knight. It is at first a small weapon but can be upgraded into a staff-like weapon. This weapon is kept on Night Knight's back, it does slightly more damage than the laser gun.

Crescent Stars: This is a heavier damaging ranged weapon, but it has limited ammo (unless Boomerang upgrade is acquired), you can find them scattered through the level, occasionally the stars will be found on the bodies of the victims.

Proximity Bombs: This weapon is the heaviest damaging weapon, these can be stuck on any surfaces. They can be “bought” at the upgrading menu, and be found around levels at times.

Upgrades are represented by cycles of the moon, and unique upgrades are shown by lunar and solar eclipses.
Unique Upgrades Are Upgrades Which Are Selected At The Beginning Of The Level (If Purchased), Similar To A Load-out.


Grappling Hook/Laser Gun Upgrades:
Laser Gun Damage: (5)
Grappling Hook: (3)
Laser Thickness: (3)

Special Attack, Laser Wave: Creates a laser like wave, causing an area effect of damage. (replenishes after 10 knockouts)
Special Attack, Grappling Hook Person: Shoots grappling hook at a person and Night Knight tugs them over into his fist. (instant K.O. excluding bosses and sub-bosses)
Special Attack, Mega Laser: Does a larger amount of damage for a small period of time (throughout power, laser changes colors continuously, power replenishes after 10 knockouts)

Knightstick Upgrades:
Increased Damage (3)

Special Attack, Knightly Knockout: Smacks an enemy with a very heavy handed hit with the Knightstick, instant K.O except bosses or sub bosses. (Will replenish every 10 knockouts)
Special Attack, Staff Smash: Area effect doing medium damage to several enemies. (Will replenish every 10 knockouts)
Special Attack, Staff Charge: Charges with staff smacking opponents in front of Night Knight doing light damage. (Will replenish every 10 knockouts)

Crescent Moons:
Increased Damage (5)
Increased Speed (3)
Increased Strength (3)

Double Crescent Throw: Throws two crescents at once, still using 2 crescents.
Boomerang Crescent: The boomerang crescent comes back to you, the damage is reduced, but you are able to throw as many as you like.
Gibbous: Extra damage & size of crescent.

Proximity Bomb Upgrades:
Increased Damage (3)
Increased Bomb Capacity (3)
Increased Explosion Radius (3)

Unique Bomb Upgrades:
Bomb Equipped: Start levels with five extra bombs.
Floating Bomb: Able to "set" bombs mid-air.


Blue Moon: An invincibility power, after getting many (perhaps 15-30 or so) KOs, the moon in Night Knight's HUD will turn slightly blue, and Night Knight will become invincible for a short time. The player activates the power by clicking on the tinted moon.

Perigee: Damage taken is majorly lowered when Perigy is active.

Invisibility: A power which grants the player with invisibility for a short amount of time. When invisible Night Knight is not detected by enemies, but is still able to fully function (attack, move, interact with objects...).

Speed Boost: Faster Speed

Jumping Ability: Jump Higher


Front Flip Attack:
Radius Increase: Makes the animation cover slightly more area with the KnightStick.
Damage Increase: Makes the attack to slightly more damage.

Forward Roll Attack:
Damage Increase: Increases the damage of the attack.

Blue Moon Power:
K.O Amount: Makes the power activate sooner, with fewer K.O.s required.
Duration Increase: Makes power last longer

Invisibility Power:
Damage Boost: Night Knight does a small amount more damage when the power is active.
Duration Increase: Makes power last longer
Phase: Night Knight can phase through enemies and certain objects.

SO... Please respond to what you think of the game. And if you could give any ideas to me, please do so! I love to hear the community's ideas. I will continue to work on this game, I hope to release a great demo very soon!

And a large amount of credit should go to Skydereign for the immense amount of help I received/receiving for the progress I've made so far...

Re: Night Knight

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:11 pm
by SuperSonic
That game looks like fun. And I like the pun in the name haha :lol:

Re: Night Knight

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:18 am
by Hblade

Re: Night Knight

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:42 am
by lcl
Hey, this is great project!
I see you have already done a lot for the game, you have planned it carefully, that's something I should learn to do as well.. :oops:
The stroyline and the characters are very interesting, good work! :)
The idea with the moons representing health and other things is great, unique idea.

happyjustbecause wrote:good knight ha ha


The gameplay also seems nice, I like the Knights movement and animations.
I wait for this game and I wish you luck and I really hope you will finish this great game! :)

I will be glad to help you if you have problems making this.
Just ask :)

- lcl -

Re: Night Knight

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:56 pm
by Jagmaster
Man, I really wanna play this. :D

The animations are very well done. I especially like the barrel roll and double jump loops.
You have done a good job developing the back story for the "Alienator". He is not generic in any sense, and that's important especially for a villain.
I also appreciate the Batman-like catch phrases. It's always fun to poke fun at things like that.

I was thinking about the collision glitch with the ceiling. It'll be a pain in the neck to rearrange all your code for the script (sometimes it's best to leave it where it is) but if you're looking for an alternative to your collision, Dst's example is a pretty easy to understand way of fixing some of those collision glitches. :D

It's looking really good. I always enjoy watching these projects evolve.

Re: Night Knight

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:02 pm
by happyjustbecause
Thanks for the feedback! I was hoping that the animations looked good, and thanks for appreciating the Alienator, I think he could be a pretty cool character. I will also check out the "perfect collision" topic for my game. So yeah, thanks for the time spent looking at my ideas! I will do my best to keep up work on it. I hope to have another video out fairly soon too.

And just a side thing, how can I add a picture for the forum (Game Development) topic?

Re: Night Knight

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:51 pm
by SuperSonic
Just upload an attachement with your post :wink:

Re: Night Knight

PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:18 am
by MrJolteon
happyjustbecause wrote:The story takes place in the city of _____(need name here)

I got some ideas
City of Littlewood
City of Steamghost
City of Blue Reach
City of Truepig
City of Newside
City of Hollow Valley
City of Warlockmill
City of Indigowinter

Re: Night Knight

PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:22 pm
by Jagmaster
I think it should sound like Gotham, or Metropolis without being either of those. Something mysterious and dark as well as sophisticated.
On the other hand, (there's always another hand isn't there?) perhaps it should sound like a small town name. That would make it more amusing.
Steamghost was pretty close there. :)

Re: Night Knight

PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:37 pm
by SuperSonic
Jagmaster wrote:I think it should sound like Gotham, or Metropolis without being either of those.

Gothapolis xD

Just kidding, how about Alcro City? :D

Re: Night Knight

PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:40 pm
by Jagmaster
Actually, Gothopolis isn't that bad at all.
How about Preston Idaho? :P

Re: Night Knight

PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:33 pm
by happyjustbecause
Thanks for the name ideas.

I think it should sound like Gotham, or Metropolis without being either of those. Something mysterious and dark as well as sophisticated.
On the other hand, (there's always another hand isn't there?) perhaps it should sound like a small town name. That would make it more amusing.
Steamghost was pretty close there.

I kind of agree that it should sound somewhat like Gotham or Metropolis. I like Steamghost, Hollow Valley, and Warlockmill, but I think it should also sound a little more city-ish. But thanks for the ideas, I'll be thinking about the city name more.

Re: Night Knight

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 7:53 am
by MrJolteon
happyjustbecause wrote:Thanks for the name ideas.

You're welcome

Re: Night Knight

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:22 pm
by happyjustbecause
I added a lot to the character bios for the arch enemies, if anyone is interested, I still need to develop Night Knight's biography, I've actually worked more on the antagonists than the protagonist!

Re: Night Knight

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:43 am
by happyjustbecause
Well, I uploaded a new video if anyone is interested. It shows off the latest things I have been helped with by Skydereign. Including a health bar, ammo, changing movement of the view, the UFO's activity, and other things. I hope you guys enjoy! (SEE MAIN POST FOR THE NEW VIDEO)
