Parallax scrolling

How would you pull this off? Does anyone have a game that uses parallax that they'd like to post a demo of?
In my mind, for an outdoor level I'd have the following layers (forgive the rambling, this is kind of for myself, but I'm hoping to get other people's thoughts also):
Sky layer - tied absolutely to view, while constantly scrolling along x. Things like clouds.
Background layer - Tied to view, following at a fraction of view's x. Things like mountains that appear to "follow" the camera.
Collision layer - built out of primitives (i.e. horizontal, vertical and diagonal surfaces) and are assigned a 'DONT_DRAW_ONLY'. These can be simple white blocks with alpha. Not tied to camera.
Cosmetic layer - placed on top of collision layer and tied absolutely to it. Anything goes for the cosmetic layer; the level designer can use tilesets, or larger images.
Sprite layer - Self explanatory. More or less controls the movement of view.
Props layer - Objects that appear to be on the same plane as the cosmetic layer, but set a little shallower along z, so they cover up the player. i.e. Grass to cover the player's feet, trees, water, etc.
Extreme foreground - For things like fog or foliage that appear extremely close to the camera. x tied to view with a multiplier greater than 1.0
HUD - absolutely tied to view. shows health bars, etc.
In my mind, for an outdoor level I'd have the following layers (forgive the rambling, this is kind of for myself, but I'm hoping to get other people's thoughts also):
Sky layer - tied absolutely to view, while constantly scrolling along x. Things like clouds.
Background layer - Tied to view, following at a fraction of view's x. Things like mountains that appear to "follow" the camera.
Collision layer - built out of primitives (i.e. horizontal, vertical and diagonal surfaces) and are assigned a 'DONT_DRAW_ONLY'. These can be simple white blocks with alpha. Not tied to camera.
Cosmetic layer - placed on top of collision layer and tied absolutely to it. Anything goes for the cosmetic layer; the level designer can use tilesets, or larger images.
Sprite layer - Self explanatory. More or less controls the movement of view.
Props layer - Objects that appear to be on the same plane as the cosmetic layer, but set a little shallower along z, so they cover up the player. i.e. Grass to cover the player's feet, trees, water, etc.
Extreme foreground - For things like fog or foliage that appear extremely close to the camera. x tied to view with a multiplier greater than 1.0
HUD - absolutely tied to view. shows health bars, etc.