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Is GE dead?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 6:38 pm
by MrJolteon

This image was shared on the Discord server, and it made me wonder, is GE actually dead?

Re: Is GE dead?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 6:45 pm
by DeltaLeeds
My observation:

Well, the last version was released years ago, so I shouldn't be surprised if gE is considered dead by that site. It seems like it is pretty much dead, as Skydereign is the only one working on gE plus he's got a life too...

So to answer the question is gE dead: Most likely, but it's officially dead if Skydereign quits working on gE, otherwise there might be a very slight chance that gE is still being worked on, and an even smaller chance of an official update...

Re: Is GE dead?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:36 pm
by Zivouhr
jonathang wrote:My observation:

Well, the last version was released years ago, so I shouldn't be surprised if gE is considered dead by that site. It seems like it is pretty much dead, as Skydereign is the only one working on gE plus he's got a life too...

So to answer the question is gE dead: Most likely, but it's officially dead if Skydereign quits working on gE, otherwise there might be a very slight chance that gE is still being worked on, and an even smaller chance of an official update...

I haven't heard back from Skydereign yet (which is surprising since he normally responds), after a few recent attempts to find out his latest progress on the Game Editor update; with the adjustable window size mode for PC, Mac and Linux (which has been on the table for a couple years), plus the fact he mentioned he's developing other games, plus school and work, which is understandable, since updating the program is all voluntary. If he ever returns, his knowledge of the program is always welcome and appreciated. Thanks Skydereign.

Makslane, the original creator of Game Editor, has also left the program's development as we know, so while the program still works on modern computers as of now, there are still a number of updates and features that would make it much better. The competition for game creation software is tremendous out there, so it's safe to say Game Editor's future update development is in question. Which is sad because this is a very intuitive and fun to use 2D program despite some of the limitations. Unless things change quickly, developers will continue depending on other software to create their games.

Re: Is GE dead?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 4:12 pm
by juansimat
davebusiness86s wrote:So sad... I'm just starting to learn this engine and I saw this thread...
Ps: tired of Game Maker and Cocos so I moved here, anyone has experienced those before?

I used GM in the past, but I still prefer GE. It all depends on the supporters/followers (and maybe marketing). If we can give more life to Game Editor, having more users and updating it, it will be fine. We need more great projects done with GE. I encourage everybody not to give up with Game Editor and develop a cool game 8)

Re: Is GE dead?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 2:45 pm
by juansimat
I've also seen that it says discontinued due to no update 'till 2013. But that source is from source-forge. The github one is from november of 2016. I don't know if changing that info from their site 'cause the github one is the beta 1.4.1. Better let that choise to our All Gloryfull Leader Makslane Rodriges

Re: Is GE dead?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 2:39 pm
by DeltaLeeds
So is gE dead?

2 months ago, I wrote:Well, the last version was released years ago, so I shouldn't be surprised if gE is considered dead by that site. It seems like it is pretty much dead, as Skydereign is the only one working on gE plus he's got a life too...

So to answer the question is gE dead: Most likely, but it's officially dead if Skydereign quits working on gE, otherwise there might be a very slight chance that gE is still being worked on, and an even smaller chance of an official update...

I wasn't thinking a lot when I wrote this. I only wrote this based on how it said gE was discontinued on the site Jolt showed us.

This is my renewed answer of "Is gE dead?":

No, gE is definitely not dead. It may be discontinued as in not in development any more, but it doesn't mean gE is dead. Some of us still love using gE to make test games and new users still use it as a launching pad to get started on making games and start a game developing career. So gE is definitely not dead. I will forever remember gE as my launching pad and my inspiration for programming. ;)

Re: Is GE dead?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 2:47 pm
by lcl
Yeah. And I wouldn't be that certain about GE's status as discontinued. At least not before skydereign himself says so. He may not have worked on it for a while, but the last time I contacted him, he was still determined on getting 1.4.1 out eventually.

Re: Is GE dead?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 2:56 pm
by DeltaLeeds
lcl wrote:Yeah. And I wouldn't be that certain about GE's status as discontinued. At least not before skydereign himself says so. He may not have worked on it for a while, but the last time I contacted him, he was still determined on getting 1.4.1 out eventually.

Yeah I know, maybe the site says it is discontinued because it hasn't been updated for a certain period of time to make it deemed it is discontinued in the site, but yeah there's still hope for gE, and the point is, gE is not dead. :D

Re: Is GE dead?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:45 am
by snouty
As someone who's a bit late to this party I love the editor and look forward to making some of the projects I'd abandoned as being too complicated to make on my own. But I notice the link to GE Pro and commercial licensing and removing the splash page are gone. Does that mean you can develop commercially? Or has that boat sailed with the main developers of the software? :)
warmest regards

Re: Is GE dead?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:48 am
by MrJolteon
snouty wrote:As someone who's a bit late to this party I love the editor and look forward to making some of the projects I'd abandoned as being too complicated to make on my own. But I notice the link to GE Pro and commercial licensing and removing the splash page are gone. Does that mean you can develop commercially? Or has that boat sailed with the main developers of the software? :)
warmest regards

You can develop commercially now, yes. The pro license hasn't been needed since GE went open source in 2009.

Re: Is GE dead?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 12:10 pm
by snouty
MrJolteon wrote:You can develop commercially now, yes. The pro license hasn't been needed since GE went open source in 2009.

Ah okay thanks for the prompt response. Can you remove the splash page or customise it to make it less dominating?


Re: Is GE dead?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 12:14 pm
by MrJolteon
snouty wrote:Ah okay thanks for the prompt response. Can you remove the splash page or customise it to make it less dominating?


If I remember correctly, you can ask Makslane to remove the splash screen from your game.

Re: Is GE dead?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:42 pm
by snouty
MrJolteon wrote:
snouty wrote:Ah okay thanks for the prompt response. Can you remove the splash page or customise it to make it less dominating?


If I remember correctly, you can ask Makslane to remove the splash screen from your game.

I will do that. I don't necessarily want to remove it completely just sort of make it less of a punch in the face :D

Re: Is GE dead?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 8:14 pm
by Turon
Why did akr quit the way he did by just dissapearing without any explanation? I don't know for sure but even if gE is definately dead we might never know for absolute conclusivity for awhile just like GE 1.5 (although Skydereign might not necessarily go out like akr).

Re: Is GE dead?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:19 pm
by Turon
gameEditor's only chance of insured survival is spiritually in the form of a inhanced remake.