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Legend of raiyoko (name not finalized)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:58 am
by Waluigiftw
This is the most up to date thing i have, i edited my first post, click "info" in the game to see controls :D

Re: Legend of raiyoko (name not finalized)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 1:13 am
by Waluigiftw
Oh and i almost forgot...i kinda need someone who is pretty good at spriting to help me make some things..
I have some things i need but i need some critical animations

I have and will draw all the animations for the main character and probably the enemies (im gonna make the enemies have the same body as the main character just diff outfit
PM me if you would like to help :mrgreen:
(your name gets to go in the credits and ill be more than happy to link to your own webpage if you have one or even to one of your games)

Re: Legend of raiyoko (name not finalized)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:05 am
by Waluigiftw
Ive made some major fixes and ive overhauled the physics a little...
theres also actually ground now so thats a plus, the blue spikes (that look really bad) kill you so you can test the respawn thing!
If anyone knows how, i would like to know how to fix the little glitch where at the left most edge of the level so far, if you jump into it and keep walking, then stop walking, you phase through the wall.. if youve got a fix for this, please let me know.

Re: Legend of raiyoko (name not finalized)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:25 am
by Waluigiftw
Ive just added some major stuff and fixed a TON of glitches

Still need: (maybe help)
Enemies A.I.
background(if anyone has a good idea, pleeeeeeeeeease draw it up and post it here for me, ill prolly need just one for now, and if i like it i might ask you for more)
script for bow and arrow aiming( i want to do a thing where you hold down a key (E) to activate the bow and arrow, then arrow keys to aim up or down, then space to shoot the arrow, and i want it to have realistic physics like curving to gravity before it hits the ground, so if you were to shoot straight up, it would go up a certain distance, then flip around and fall back down)
^^if you think that you have the knowledge of GE script to help me with that, ill probobly have all the animations drawn and be ready to go :mrgreen:

Still need:(that im going to do)
Enemies drawings
More player actions
Power ups
More weapons for player
More stances for player
magic usage for main player
Health bar
magic bar

Re: Legend of raiyoko (name not finalized)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:28 pm
by Waluigiftw
Well... ive hit a brick wall, i plan on adding support for my character to find a bow and arrow so he can shoot it, however i cant figure out how to make an animation change for when he is aiming
What i need: i want the player to press the E key to activate arrow mode, this will disable walking/jumping, it will play the loading arrow animation i added then stop at the last frame, then i want the player to be able to aim the players torso up or down, up to like 60 degrees, then press space to launch an arrow while also changing animation to the loading arrrow and repeating the process, until he runs out of arrows, i would also like to press x to exit arrow mode
(i can do the enter and exit arrow mode and the reloading and loading arrow thing, i just need help with the rotation, and arrow physics, like curving as it flies farther)

*note* if the curving arrow is too complicated, then just tell me and i wont bother and i can get on with more stuff like magic

Re: Legend of raiyoko (name not finalized)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:01 am
by speckford123
I'll drop a post in here so I can find this thread later, good luck on the game!

Re: Legend of raiyoko (name not finalized)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:42 am
by Waluigiftw
Super duper update
Added tons of stuff, and yes i know that the info screen forces a game restart ill fix it later cuz right now im tired... :mrgreen:

Re: Legend of raiyoko (name not finalized)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:13 am
by NightOfHorror
good luck on your game. :)

Re: Legend of raiyoko (name not finalized)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:39 am
by Waluigiftw
Well, as of right now im kinda peesed off, i just finished the script for arrows and ammo for them and i tried to save, and wammo, swift kick to the groin, and GE crashed
For some reason it didnt open up the recovery file :x so, im gonna take a break and start fresh tomorrow, luckily its a saturday so i might be able to catch up on what i was doing :wink:

Re: Legend of raiyoko (name not finalized)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:42 am
by NightOfHorror
I hate when that happens. Not long ago I started making a 3d effect demo and that happened.