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PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 6:19 pm
by Cleve Blakemore
I understand that networking code can be very hard to write. It may be a long time before we can write multiplayer networked games with GE.

One thing that is fairly easy to implement for Makslane that would be an enormous help in at least designing web enabled games, would be two simple functions :

1. Make an HTTP request (to a url, web service or web response address)
2. Get an HTTP response. (it could be the raw text returned with the programmer required to parse it/utilize it)

... then if you can set up a web service or server side URL that responds to a user, it would enable people to easily make web enabled single player games.

You might want to add a few more functions to support these two but that would be it. If you got an error or timeout on the response, there should be an easy way to log the error and keep on trucking without interfering with game play. Of course you should be able to call either function in the background and either continue or be notified when your response event is triggered.

This enables simple web games like multiuser board games, casino games, adventure games, just about anything in fact depending on what code you put on the server to handle the requests.

I'd like to see this first because I don't think it would be as hard to implement and release as true networking code.