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Receiving activation events from 'clones'

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:46 pm
by mal99
Back in 2007, someone asked:“Is it possible to receive an activation event from any clone of an actor, because when I just select the actor, it just turns into actor.0 (clone 0)?” The answer then was NO. Has that changed?

I just hit the same problem with groups of identical actors with the same parent (which the receiving actor seems to treat as clones). Activation events are sent to the receiving actor when each of the identical actors is in a collision that destroys it. But, the receiving actor only accepts the first activation event - after that it ignores events sent when the other identical actors are destroyed.

Anyone got a solution or work-around?


Re: Receiving activation events from 'clones'

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:57 pm
by Game A Gogo
I think if you do it in the script editor you can then change the actor.0 to actor, then that would work

Re: Receiving activation events from 'clones'

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:51 pm
by mal99
Guess I need to learn a lot more about scripting to go forward - can't even see a 'Receive Activation' function in the Script Editor menu (or maybe I just need better eyesight)!

Can you recommend a scripting tutorial or something to help get up to speed on scripting?


Re: Receiving activation events from 'clones'

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:09 pm
by jimmynewguy
I believe you were mislead before when you read that you cannot pick what clone the activation event comes from.

Right click the actor you want to receive the activation event, click actor control, click Events: Add, Activation Event, from actor, click the plus sign next to the actor giving the event, and then click the clone number. I'm sure you know most of that though just making sure were on the same page :) Then simply add what you want to happen.

But if you're still having problems with this (or you don't have the clones created in the editor, and therefore cannot choose them) then you can always set a variable called something like act set to equal the cloneindex when the actor that is sending the event sends it. Then choose activation event from that general actor -> script editor -> if act == the cloneindex of the actor you want, do the action. If you catch my drift.

Just ask if I'm confusing you or tell me to leave if I'm not helping :) or if you're still having problems.