Better Alternative to Bitmap Fonts

The current bitmap font is just not working that well because all the characters have to fit into the same space.
Currently in other game libraries they make use of a bitmap font system where the font size is shown by a line above the font. Such as the image provided.
I have code to do it in PocketFrog if you need it Makslane.
There are a lot of programs out there to make such bitmap fonts and is ideal to make fonts with borders around them with the correct spacing.
If you wish to implement it Makslane and you need the code I will send it gladly. I would love to see this implemented since my current game consists of a lot of different backgrounds with different colors, making it difficult to read text without borders.
Currently in other game libraries they make use of a bitmap font system where the font size is shown by a line above the font. Such as the image provided.
I have code to do it in PocketFrog if you need it Makslane.
There are a lot of programs out there to make such bitmap fonts and is ideal to make fonts with borders around them with the correct spacing.
If you wish to implement it Makslane and you need the code I will send it gladly. I would love to see this implemented since my current game consists of a lot of different backgrounds with different colors, making it difficult to read text without borders.