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Unlocking mini-game

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:44 am
by DilloDude
Here's an idea I had. Would it be feasible to make a simple mini-game and export it to an exe, and have an event in another game which creates it? So, you open the exe in notepad, copy all the text, and delete the exe. In the other game, you make your event (such as when you get a high enough score) that writes that text to a file, giving it the original name. Would this be possible (and legal)? IF it could be done, that would be really awesome.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:54 am
by DilloDude
Apparently not, I just did a quick test and it doesn't work. Of course, you can always have the exe there to start with and it will only work if a saved variable is correct, but it would be cool if there wasn't any hint that it existed.

Re: Unlocking mini-game

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:56 pm
by kyensoftware
No text. Use hex! Otherwise it will be corrupted. Just keep the game in the original exe and do your stuff 'ntill you are ready, set a var to 1 and allow the execution of the mg when it is set to 1 not 0. Hope you understand my bad writing, I do naturally speak english, but I havent typed for about 3 months! :D
EDIT: How could it be illegal???????