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Iphone Joystick Problem

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:21 am
by beginnerirvaz
Hi I have been using GE for about a week now, i begun with the idea of making a worms type game. I now realise I should be starting with something not as complex.

So I have decided to make a basic platform game, the game will be for the iphone and consist of the usual, player, enemies, static and moving platforms and maybe some spikes.

I have followed the platform game tutorial but instead of using keys to move the player I would like a joystick that is able to move the player left, right, and up and down. I have searched the web and the tutorials but have found it hard to get to understand this concept.

Is there anybody that could direct me to a step by step tutorial or some sought of walkthrough on how to set up a joystick? please please can somebody help,!!!

Thank you in advance :)

Re: Iphone Joystick Problem

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:30 am
by Jagmaster
There are a few demos and tutorials that could help

This tutorial covers onscreen buttons:

This demo shows the basics of an onscreen joystick:

If you need any more, I'll search around. I can try to answer any other questions as well.

Re: Iphone Joystick Problem

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:56 pm
by beginnerirvaz
Thanks Jagmaster

Ive read both of those tutorials and love the second, I downloaded the file and tried to add me own images without success. I guess its a little more complicated than just changing images, Do you have any ideas?

Re: Iphone Joystick Problem

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:56 pm
by beginnerirvaz
Hey I decided to have another go and I cant believe how stupid I was. I was replacing the image with my image and it was only 1 frame. I quickly created a 36 frame image in inkscape, exported and it works great!

Now for my player....

Re: Iphone Joystick Problem

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:52 pm
by Jagmaster
Yep, rotation will be coming in 1.5 which will make that a little easier. Until now, you'll need to have multiple frames which, in a way, has more flexibility graphic-wise.