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Can't Open Game Editor Linux

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:39 am
by MirajFz
I can't open game Editor Linux.
I open terminal and i type :
chmod +x GameEditor ./gameEditorLinux
And it say :
chmod: cannot access './gameEditorLinux': no such file or directory

Please Help ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Can't Open Game Editor Linux

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:34 am
by skydereign
Well, you have to cd into the directory that the gameEditorLinux file is in. So if it was on your desktop, you would have to use this first.
Code: Select all
cd Desktop/GameEditor

Then you can run the chmod command. Depending on your setup, you can right click the file, and select properties. There go to permissions and select allow executing of this file. That will do exactly what the chmod command will do, and it will then let you double click the file.

Re: Can't Open Game Editor Linux

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:44 am
by MirajFz
I double click at the file and nothing happen.
I use linux mandriva does it effect?

Re: Can't Open Game Editor Linux

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:11 pm
by skydereign
Did you change the execute permissions? You need to set the file to execute, which is why you need to use the chmod command (or edit the properties by way of right click).

Here is the gui way of editing the execute bit of a file for mandriva (as found on their wiki).
To set file permissions in a GUI:

1. Open the GUI
2. Navigate to the file you wish to change
3. Right-click on the file in question
4. Click on the "Properties" menu item or press Alt+Return
5. Click on the "Permissions" tab
6. Use the pick lists to set read/write permissions for the three entities
7. Use the checkbox to determine whether the file is executable or not

If you want to do it via command line, follow these steps. Download the zip (or move it) to your desktop. Unzip it, the file should be named GameEditor. Run a terminal, and type the following commands.
Code: Select all
cd Desktop/GameEditor

Code: Select all
chmod +x gameEditorLinux

Code: Select all

That should set the file up, and the last one should run it.

Re: Can't Open Game Editor Linux

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:37 am
by Hblade

Re: Can't Open Game Editor Linux

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 11:27 pm
by 247wkman
I got the same issue- it executes on 32bit linux but not 64bit- i was running various distros, just to see if it was a particular version at fault (ubuntu 12,14, debian in virtualbox and ubuntu 14 on usb- all 64bit).
It did work on my usb ubuntu 10.04 32bit(very good for usb but redundant on most hardware- well for quick drive access when windows get owned by trojans)
I read you can install 32bit libraries on a 64bit intall but its sounded pretty messy (i'm pretty untallented at this sort of thing) so i would suggest keeping to a 32bit linux partition for most work and fire up 64bit to get blender pre-render/sims etc optimised.
I also found ubuntu 14 is really crap! (default rez in vb is tiny too work in)- manjaro was the fasted thing i've seen in years, if you just want to coroborate your g.e works in linux (32bit).