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GE Linux ALsa open and crash

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:16 pm
by Hblade
I tried my luck at the Linux Alsa and all it does is open and close o-o

Ubvuntu 11.10, default Unity desktop.

Re: GE Linux ALsa open and crash

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:51 pm
by skydereign
What's the output? If you run it from a shell it will probably tell you the problem.

Re: GE Linux ALsa open and crash

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:29 pm
by Hblade
Code: Select all
open /dev/sequencer: No such file or directory
Root: 98f2090  Offset: 98f2148
File magic=KYRA version=2.0.4
Tally count: rgba=19345 line=939 segment=1226
here=22 id=2 size=20833 next=20863
Sprite or Font resource 'makslistPop.bmp' id=112
Action 'makslistPop.bmp' id=112 numFrames=3
here=20863 id=5 size=5217 next=26088
Sprite or Font resource 'maksfont.bmp' id=111
Action 'NONE' id=14 numFrames=94
startindex=32 type=0
here=26088 id=2 size=10416 next=36512
Sprite or Font resource 'maksbutton.bmp' id=109
Action 'maksbutton.bmp' id=109 numFrames=3
here=36512 id=2 size=1409 next=37929
Sprite or Font resource 'makscursorMao.bmp' id=108
Action 'NONE' id=14 numFrames=1
here=37929 id=8 size=11277 next=49214
here=49214 id=8 size=2168 next=51390
here=51390 id=8 size=22333 next=73731
here=73731 id=8 size=1219 next=74958
here=74958 id=8 size=1583 next=76549
here=76549 id=8 size=175 next=76732
here=76732 id=8 size=1551 next=78291
here=78291 id=8 size=33598 next=111897
here=111897 id=8 size=72081 next=183986
here=183986 id=8 size=3312 next=187306
here=187306 id=8 size=65361 next=252675
here=252675 id=8 size=1969 next=254652
here=254652 id=2 size=8387 next=263047
Sprite or Font resource 'oi' id=3
Action 'icon' id=2 numFrames=1
Action 'text' id=1 numFrames=1
here=263047 id=1 size=0 next=263055
Num RGBA: RLE: 19345 Block: 0 total=19345
gameEditor: maksKyra.cpp:386: gedString AbbreviateDirName(gedString, int, bool): Assertion `equal(*lpszCur, '\\')' failed.

Re: GE Linux ALsa open and crash

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:21 pm
by skydereign
Did you put it into a gE directory? The executable is dependent on the files that come in the full download of gE. Most of those errors sound like you are running it from the wrong spot.

Re: GE Linux ALsa open and crash

PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:59 am
by Hblade
yes. its in the same folder as the exe for windows (Which works in wine, awesomely and with sound), and all of the files. Odd.

Maybe its because the game editor folder is on my desktop?