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Re: Ninja Forest Demo - Effective Parallax Scrolling

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:57 pm
by DST
Bee-Ant wrote:There's no ninja with bright red will just ruin their camouflage with darkness :P

Yeah everyone talks trash about red ninjas, but if there was a red ninja in the same room with you, would you say anything?

Ninjas look awesome in red. I don't care what anyone says.

Maybe he's saying 'hey....look at me....i'm so good, i'll wear bright red and still beat you with both hands tied behind my back'.

Or maybe its stained with the blood of his enemies! Yeah, that one! Blood!

Re: Ninja Forest Demo - Effective Parallax Scrolling

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:40 pm
by Bee-Ant
Talking about ninja...
I will add a ninja character into my Winter Blast 2 :P
The animal is...maybe a mantis. It would be cool :D
Oh, or a poisonous frog?
I need a speedy animal

Re: Ninja Forest Demo - Effective Parallax Scrolling

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:26 pm
by DST

Re: Ninja Forest Demo - Effective Parallax Scrolling

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:42 am
by Bee-Ant
Why a bat?any reason?

There's already a bat character anyway. He's white bat wears red suit. The base stat is:
HP: 2/5
Energy: 2/5
Atk: 3/5
Def: 2/5
Spd: 3/5

Powerful and fast enough :D
Should i change the sprite to ninja costum?

Re: Ninja Forest Demo - Effective Parallax Scrolling

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:49 am
by Fuzzy
A badger, a wolverine, snowshoe hare, bobcat, lynx, cougar, snow owl, peregrine falcon, a coyote, wolf, or a black bear.

A raccoon, a ferret, muskrat, mountain goat, Kodiak bear, moose, elk, raven, magpie, mush ox or a bison.

I hope that helps with selection.

Re: Ninja Forest Demo - Effective Parallax Scrolling

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:08 pm
by Bee-Ant
Wow, thanx do you know that i run out idea about polar animal? :P

Some of those currently added:
Hare, lynx, cougar, snow owl, falcon, wolf, racoon, ferret, mountain goat, moose, bison.

I will add all the rest soon :D thanx so much.

Oh yah, what are hot spring animals?do you know?

Re: Ninja Forest Demo - Effective Parallax Scrolling

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:06 am
by DST
Chupathingy! Yeah....Chupathingy!

Ninjas are great because their intentions remain unknown. They're mysterious.

I mean, its hard to get away from or stop ninjas, but its even harder when you don't know what they plan to do!

So the animal should be the same way. A dog makes for a terrible ninja. Even cats are more predictable than what a ninja should be. Mysterious animals will make more interesting ninjas - raccoons, ferrets, bats, anteaters, giant tree sloths.

Other animals already have an idea associated with them - an owl, for instance, would make a great monk - with the staff and the big hat. Owls are thick, strong creatures. Samurai? Sure. Monk? Sure. Ninja? No way!

Re: Ninja Forest Demo - Effective Parallax Scrolling

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:37 am
by Bee-Ant
Hmmm...too bad, i already use owl as one gener8 member. Gener8 is the King's 8 strong generals. They work as war manager, protector, and spy.
The gener8 member are: Hare, Snow owl, Narwhal, Lynx, Mountain goat, Black wolf, Snow jaguar, Albino Ape.

Any other animal as the monk?i need a monk as the protector of something :D

Re: Ninja Forest Demo - Effective Parallax Scrolling

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:35 pm
by Fuzzy
I typed wrong. that is a musk ox, not a mush ox.


At least for Canada's north, there are no specific hot spring animals. You will find plants like orchids though, and we have ferns too(but these are not just hot spring).

Lynx and bobcat are almost identical. It would not be possible to show the difference with a cartoon character I think. So skip that one.

There are snakes in a few places. Rattlesnakes for instance. Normally they like hot and dry. You could put them in the hotspring area(outside the water).

Also surprisingly, there are scorpions here. But they are so tiny and not poison.

For insects you can have beetles, mosquitos, bees, wasps, black flies, moths, butterflies.

There are many types of birds too, like geese(one is called a goose), ravens and blackbirds(look very much the same). bluejays, cardinals, kildeers, pheasantsm (all small birds). Wild Turkeys, feral pigs or boars(scary and big).

Geese and turkeys can be quite big and strong. It is possible for a Canadian goose to break a mans arm. Wild boars(same as a pig almost) are hairy and scary. They are just about as dangerous as a bear in real life. In a game they would be more powerful. There are lots in the United states, but even more in Russia, which shares a climate with Canada.

Re: Ninja Forest Demo - Effective Parallax Scrolling

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:51 am
by Bee-Ant
Lynx is yellow and tailed, Bobcat is grey and doesnt has tail. Eh, but polar Lynx so identic to Bobcat.

Rattlesnake!!oke :D i add it.

Oh i will add the scorpion, but with poison. Is this ok?anyway, whats the color of the scorpion?

The currently used:
Venom frog, flying lizard, tortoise, butterfly, mantis those as hot spring animal.

Mouse, duck, salmon, squirrel, penguin, swallow, crab, goose, racoon, fox, sealeo, bat, a deep sea fish that has lightball on its fore head(i dunno the name),civet,deer,dingo,sheep,falcon,stingray,polar bear,bison,walrus,electric eel,cougar,sperm whale,yeti,orca,elephant(more to mammoth),panther,hare,snow owl,narwhal,lynx,mountain goat,black wolf, snow jaguar, ape, tiger,white lion, black tortoise, green snake, white tiger, cardinal, frilled neck lizard.

Add soon:
Badger,wolverine,coyote,grizzle,muskrat,elk,raven,magpie,beetle,moth,etc you've mentioned.

Oh,most of them are land animals. Any idea about the beach and sea or deep sea animals?

Thanx so much. And sorry to DST, your Ninja topic changed to WB2, sorry so much :P

Re: Ninja Forest Demo - Effective Parallax Scrolling

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:22 pm
by jimmynewguy
It's easy to make it up to DST, just but a monkey in your game :P

Re: Ninja Forest Demo - Effective Parallax Scrolling

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:31 pm
by DST
Lol DST doesn't care what you do with his topics, cause he's got a bunch more topics and a bunch more games to post!

Upgraded my GE and games that didn't work before work fine now!

Re: Ninja Forest Demo - Effective Parallax Scrolling

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 3:00 am
by Fuzzy
Wont the scorpion look out of place?

For color, they are tiny and whitish. I have only seen them at night under UV lights.. they glow green.

I live far from the sea, so it is hard to say.

For fish, you can have shark and orca whale. For fresh water sturgeon(I'll show you a picture!), pike, jack and rainbow trout,

And for animals I forgot the beaver! You must have those!

Here is a picture of a Sturgeon. ... =en&tab=wi

Re: Ninja Forest Demo - Effective Parallax Scrolling

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:00 am
by Bee-Ant
Thanx :D
All set now

Added 20 new characters :D
I'll go back to work on it.

After everything is ready, i will need your help again :D

Re: Ninja Forest Demo - Effective Parallax Scrolling

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:37 am
by Fuzzy
I think you have more characters than almost any game!