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Full Screen in Linux Problem

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:35 pm
by Hblade
Hey guys, does anyone else who uses linux have this problem? When you go full screen, your screen's resolution stays the same, while you see a tiny square in the middle (Thats the resolution of your game), your mouse cant escape it either so it DID go full screen but didnt change resolution O.o

Re: Full Screen in Linux Problem

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:20 pm
by makslane
I think the driver only uses a fullscreen mode if there are support in hardware.
So, if the hardware doesn't supports a 320x240 resolution (for example), you will see a tiny screen.

This happens on the Windows too in some machines.

Re: Full Screen in Linux Problem

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:40 pm
by Hblade
No not that, even 640 x 480 my TV resolution never changes. However if I use any other app / game that goes full screen it works.

In other words, say I have a 640x480 game, okay? If my screen res is anything but 640x480, it wont be actuall full screen. For example. my res is 1440x900, when I go fullscreen on linux, my screen res stays 1440x900 with a 640x480 square in the middle surrounded by black. However when I put my virus infected old windows 98 Hard Drive in the same comp it actually went full screen, but anyways I'm back on linux again cause I dont wanna use virus infected stuff, but yeah it's not the drivers cause I have this one crappy alien game in linux that goes fullscreen in 640x480 :D

I already knew about the 320x240 ;)