From Game Editor
int MoveTo(char *actorName, double x, double y, double velocity, char *relativeActor, char *avoidActor);
This function makes actorName move to point (x,y) at a speed, velocity. If specified, actorName will avoid any clones of avoidActor. Returns 1 on success, 0 on error.
MoveTo Input
- "Event Actor": Actor that is receiving the current event.
- "Parent Actor": Event Actor's parent, if actor has a parent.
- "Creator Actor": Event Actor's creator, if Event Actor has been created in some "Create Actor" action.
- "Collide Actor": Actor that collided with the event Actor.
- Any Actor name or clonename in the game.
x and y
- Any point (x,y).
- Any positive velocity.
- "Event Actor": Actor that is receiving the current event.
- "Parent Actor": Event Actor's parent, if actor has a parent.
- "Creator Actor": Event Actor's creator, if Event Actor has been created in some "Create Actor" action.
- "Collide Actor": Actor that collided with the event Actor.
- "Game Center": Normal global coordinates.
- "Mouse Position": Relative to point (xmouse,ymouse).
- Any Actor name or clonename in the game.
- "Event Actor": Actor that is receiving the current event.
- "Parent Actor": Event Actor's parent, if actor has a parent.
- "Creator Actor": Event Actor's creator, if Event Actor has been created in some "Create Actor" action.
- "Collide Actor": Actor that collided with the event Actor.
- Any Actor name or clonename in the game.
Have ai move to player while avoiding walls.
enemy -> CreateActor -> Script Editor
MoveTo("Event Actor", 0, 0, 5, "player", "walls");