From Game Editor
The for statement, like the do and while statements, is used to execute a block of code repeatedly.
The syntax of the for statement is like this:
for ( initialization ; test expression; update expression ) statement;
The loop action, or body, may consist of a single statement without braces or one or more lines surrounded by braces.
for ( initialization ; test expression; update expression ) { statement 1; statement 2; }
The initialization, test expression, update expression are optional.
This is an infinite for loop.
for ( ; ; ) statement;
The code in statement would be executed until a break statement was executed.
The initialization is a statement used to initialize the loop. It is evaluated once and only once. It is most often used to set the value of a variable to control the loop in test expression.
for ( x = 0; ; ) statement;
You can include multiple initializations with the Comma operator, like this:
for ( x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; ; ) statement;
The test expression is a statement used to test for continued looping. If test expression evaluates to true, the loop executes again. The test expression is evaluated before a loop.
for ( x = 0; x > 1 ; ) statement;
In this example, the loop would NOT execute because x is initialized to the value 0 before it is tested. The test x > 1 would be false and the loop would not execute even once.
for ( x = 1; x < 10 ; ) statement;
In this example, the for loop would execute until the expression x < 10 is false.
The update expression is executed after the first loop, and before each additional loop test.
for ( x = 1; x < 10 ; ++ x) statement;
This example would execute statement until x < 10 fails. Since x is initialized to 1 and the update expression adds one to x after each loop, the loop would execute 9 times.